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I've always longed to see the sea.

With the sand between my toes, the sun rays shining on my face, the cold sea breeze all around me as the gentle waves of the ocean come rushing to meet me in its embrace.

Sometimes, I feel like I must be a mermaid or a sea explorer in my past life. With this ache in my heart and longing in my loins to be one with the ocean always present from when I was young to now.

But I can't. I can't ever see the sea in person.

No matter how much my heart screams for it. No matter how much my heart yearns for it. No matter how much my whole being languish for it.

Because my body cannot take it.

That's right. If I step one foot out of this house that I live in with my mom and nurse - *deep breath*

I risk dying.


So I simply content myself with photos of the sea that I am able to get from the internet. Or watch from the Travel Channel. Or check out from different magazines and books and stories.

It isn't enough. But it'll have to do.



I hate this.

Why my mother had to agree with him is simply beyond my comprehension. Even after he hurt her. Even after he threatened her. Even after he hurt us - her kids - she still agreed with this move.

Granted, the house looks really nice. It's huge, actually. Plus Riza and I get to have our own bedrooms.


The only other consolation that I have with this move is that at least - this house, is close to the beach. Like an hour drive away.

A small reprieve. Thank God.

Taking RisksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon