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A/N: For @badz2015 - because you're the only one who gave me that scene and I loved it. Hehehehe. 😆


I can't believe it.


I'm actually here, in front of her, touching her, speaking with her, feeling her, being with her...

It's such a wonderful feeling to finally be able to see her live, face to face. And to finally hear her voice, which I've been daydreaming for the past days since we started texting and interacting. She has such a lilting yet velvety voice, shy and yet strong, soft yet full of conviction. A walking contradiction. A paradox. But one that I'd love to unravel and get to know more.

And her laughs... Man, her laughs make me want to laugh with her. They make me want to just stop and record it and make it my ringtone. Her laugh makes me want to goof around so she will laugh even more.

For someone who hasn't really experienced the outside world like I did - she has such a beautiful, happy and somehow fulfilled laugh. I slightly envy her for that. It's so... carefree.

And I wish that I can be the reason for her many laughs like that in the future.

So, here I am, sitting beside her, gazing at her and memorizing every inch of her beautiful face. Down to that cleft she has on her chin, to that small dimple she has on her lower right cheek that only shows up when she bites her lip.

Her eyes though...

Her doe eyes are so expressive. It's even better up-close than seeing it from afar. Or through her socmed posts. Her eyes convey deeper meaning, one that I'd like to delve deeper into. Her eyes make me want to lay down everything for her, do anything for her, even perhaps lay my life for her.

Call it overacting or even irrational - but this feeling... This... sudden passion I have towards her - it's just... it's indescribable. No word in the dictionary can even give meaning to what this is. This... thing between us.

And I can feel and know for a fact that this isn't one-sided. Nope. Not at all.

I mean - how can you explain my sudden wish of kissing her while I stare at her, with my fingers unconsciously reaching up to touch her slightly swollen lower lip? And with her doing nothing about it as I casually but slowly lean in, my intent about what I was about to do clear in the depths of my eyes. She's simply gazing back at me, her soulful eyes telling me things and giving me enough permission to do...


I cock my head slightly to the side and inch my way closer to her, my hand still on her chin, my finger on her lips. I saw her gulp a little a while ago but she hasn't moved away when I whisper-asked where were we before Ninna interrupted.

I'm going in slowly, giving her the chance to push me away, to reject me - but though I can sense some nervousness on her part (though if I'm going to be honest - I'm probably more nervous like hell than she is), I know... Just know that she wants this as much as I do.

I smile.

Before turning serious once more when I feel her warm, short bursts of breath that is now fanning my face.

"Nicomaine," I whisper. She closes her eyes and surrenders to my touch, her head fully leaning on my hand now. I smile tenderly as I see the trust in her stance, feeling overjoyed by the fact that she isn't pushing me away.

I'm only a hairsbreadth away from her lips, my heart thundering like crazy and I know for a fact that my ears are probably super red - I can feel their hotness.

Taking RisksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon