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All three of us shout her name simultaneously, mine being the loudest, as we all see Maine faint and drop to the floor. Thank goodness for my quick reflexes because I'm able to quickly take her in my arms before she completely fell and hurt herself even more. But I was already panicking, my eyes darting everywhere, showing how anxious I was starting to become.

I know I can't panic right now. I need a clear head. But the image of having the love of your life fall unconscious plus the thought that it might be because of her sickness, worried me so much that I became a frantic mess.

I turn towards where Ninna is standing, and though I have a ton of questions, especially since - for the longest time, how come I didn't know that she's Kris' cousin - I put those questions at the back of my head and start to focus on what is needed right at that moment.

Which is the love of my life, unconscious in my arms.

Ninna's nursing training kicks in and while I'm starting to shake from head to toe due to anxiety, she briskly tells Kris to prepare the car so we could take Maine to the hospital. Then she asks me where Maine's pills were and after telling them where they are, she rushes to get them and in no time - we're driving to the closest hospital from the villa.

I start to pray while sitting at the backseat with Maine still in my arms. She's still unconscious and every now and then - I put my fingers across her nose just to make sure she's still breathing. Or I check her pulse just to make sure she's still alive. I don't know what I would do if I lose her. I don't even want to think about the possibility of losing her.

Not now. Not when I just had her. Not when I just realized the extent of my feelings for her. Not when I just knew how it felt to wake up with her in my arms.

I want a lifetime with her. I want forever with her. Not just a day. I want to stay alive with her.

"Stay with me, Maine," I whisper pleadingly as I plant a kiss on her forehead, hugging her closer to my body just as we reach the emergency room at the hospital.

We all quickly go down, with Maine still in my arms, since I refuse to let anyone take her from me. Ninna strides quickly inside and finds one of the E.R doctors to talk to. If there's anyone who can give the initial prognosis of Maine and what just happened - that would be Ninna, her nurse for the longest time.

I'm on auto-pilot pretty much from then on. With Ninna telling me to follow her and the E.R doctor to one of the hospital beds, asking me to gently lay down Maine on it. Once I have, a couple of other nurses quickly came to get her vitals and all that. I stand on the side and try to get out of their way so they could work on Maine. I stare at her, my brows still in a worried frown while I catch on some few phrases that Ninna and the doctor were talking about.

"...think they're placebos..."

"...hasn't been outside since she was young..."

"...checked familial records..."

"...sisters died in a car accident..."

"...dad was driving..."

"...didn't develop an immune system..."

In the haze of my mind, I kind of understand what they are talking about but since my gaze is still on Maine and the now numerous tubes sticking out of her body - I still zoned out.

One thing stood out from their conversation, however, and it was Ninna's words. Despite the haze in my brain - I remember taking note of it and telling myself that I need to ask Ninna about it later.

Taking RisksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon