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I can't sleep.

Though I've been trying to for the last four hours and a half. From the moment I put down my curtains and after I sent that goodnight text message to her - I've been trying so damn hard to sleep.

And. I. Just. Couldn't.

100 points to you, RJ.


Do I need to do cartwheels or punch something or maybe even run just to tire myself out so I could fucking sleep??

Damn it.

I sit up and put my head in between my hands, groaning as I remember the video I sent her a while ago. I didn't know what possessed me to do that and to say those things. Must be the full moon that was on tonight. I couldn't take it back anymore, anyway. What's done is done.

Not that I regret it - if anything, I'm kinda glad I sent her that. Now, she knows what I totally feel for her. Or at least a part of what I feel entirely for her. But on the other hand - it's embarrassing as fuck. I mean - she will probably think that I lost my mind after sending that. We haven't known each other for too long and we've only ever communicated through text and signs through windows. So of course, I'm not going to be surprised if she asks why and how I could suddenly feel that way about her?

But is it so surprising that I could feel this way about her? Is it so surprising that I just feel this connection to her that I haven't felt with whoever before? Oh, sure. I have my mother and my sister, that's already a given. I also have Katring. But that's different. She's my best friend. I love her to pieces, don't get me wrong though. But I definitely don't feel anything of the same sort towards her as what I feel for Maine.

Can you blame me though? When I feel like Maine is that one seashore that my ocean waves will always come back to?

Ako ang alon. At siya ang aking dalampasigan na babalik at babalikan ko. Kahit ano pang mangyari.

Ah, fuck. I'm becoming cheesy af.

Yep. Must be because of the full moon tonight.

I lay back down on my bed and place an arm on top of my face, closing my eyes to try and get some much needed shut-eye. Mom did say last night during dinner that she needed my help in fixing the garage come morning.

Damn it. But it's already morning.

Mom said she wanted to throw out some of his things that he managed to leave behind when I told him to leave us. I need to sleep so I will be re-energized.

Good luck with that.


I wake up with the sun fully shining in my eyes. Groaning, I try to sit up before plopping back down on my bed, not entirely awake yet. My head is throbbing and it's possibly because I am sleep deprived. So I start to rub my eyes, yawning and stretching my arms above my head to try and get the blood flowing. I think I need to get up already, if the sun shining outside is an indication. Though I feel as though I only slept five minutes ago.

"Anong oras na ba?" I mutter with eyes still half-closed as I try to feel for my phone on my bedside table to check what time it already is.

"Oras na para bumangon ka diyan."


Surprised, I roll over in bed and almost fall face-down on the floor when I hear the unmistakable voice of--

"Tangina naman, Katring!"

She then cackles, slapping her thigh as she points at my disheveled, just-woke-up look. Do I have freaking drool on my face? And my hair is probably sticking up again like usual. I glare at my best friend who has the audacity to even laugh harder when I did.

Taking RisksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon