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It's a quiet evening. Nothing much really happened after that small excitement of me spying-- ehem... er... I mean, just... peeking? (What?? I really just peeked!) At my neighbor as he drove off a while ago. Ninna pretty much left me to my own devices after that as I simply read my books and watched RFJ02's YouTube videos after.

Oh, and reviewed for my online exam the following morning from my online school in creative and graphic design. Well, I didn't really review because there isn't anything to memorize or anything like that. I mainly practiced my skills and made sure I knew the latest designs in the corporate and advertising world because that's what's going to come up in my exam, for sure.

I still go to school even if I don't really go out. Ok, fine - I NEVER go out. But I mean, even if I don't get to go out once I graduate - I can still work from home, yeah? Sure, my mom would always provide for me for as long as I'm alive. She has to. Especially after--


Plus it's the current trend anyway, right? Lots of people are now working from home to be with their families. Or they could be just dads who feel restricted if in the office. Or moms who want to earn but also want to be with their kids.

Which my own mom used to do. Until she got tired of being cooped up too long with only me and her inside the house so she, one day, decides to leave me in the care of a nurse and work her ass off outside and--

Deep breaths, Maine.


We are currently eating dinner and the silence is already getting to me. I can't help but sigh repeatedly and pick on my food, not really in the mood to eat. Ninna had to kick me in the shin under the table when she heard my nth sigh.

"Ow!" I quietly exclaim as I rub my sudden aching leg, trying to be discreet about it lest my mother notices.

But of course, she does notice. Regardless of whether we do not interact much lately, she is still soooo attuned to me. So she still looked up when she heard me.

Here we go.

That one syllable, not-even-really-a-word word triggers her sudden overprotectiveness towards me. With wide eyes, she sits up straighter and frowns as she observes me, one hand on the table about to touch my own arm. Though she hesitates at the last minute and puts her hand down instead.

"Maine? Ano 'yun, Nicomaine anak? May masakit ba bigla sa'yo? May problema ba? Gamot? Kelangan mo na ba 'yung gamot mo? Ninna, makikisuyo nga nung--"

"I'm fine, Nay," I interrupt her as I glare daggers at Ninna who is sitting in front of me and who is the cause of all this. She just shrugs before motioning to my food, which was barely eaten. "Tumama lang po 'yung tuhod ko sa mesa nung pagka-dikwatro ko."

My mom visibly exhales a breath of relief, her shoulders sagging tiredly as she leans back on her chair and starts to massage her temples.

"Kinabahan ako sa'yo, anak. Akala ko kung ano ng nangyari sa'yo."

"Ok nga lang po ako, Nay," I mumble softly as I continue to poke my steamed tilapia fillet with seasoned asparagus on my plate.

"Mabuti naman," my mom replies before starting on her own food. "Kamusta ang buong maghapon ninyo?"

I sigh again and I see Ninna signaling me to stop, her eyes widening. I continue to glare at her though, not one to forget easily and is about to answer my mom when she suddenly beats me to it.

"Naku, madam. 'Yang si Nicomaine, kanina may sinsili-- OW!"

This time, I kick her in the shin to stop her from what she's about to say. I see my mom frown from my periphery but I acted like I did not do anything, still poking at my fish on my plate.

Taking RisksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon