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For @MarcCT02 - because of that cute suggestion you sent in yesterday. Happy 100th Weeksary 💛



I wake up this morning with a silly little grin on my face, remembering what just transpired last night - finally meeting my neighbor who turns out to be the one person I've recently subscribed to in YouTube and loving every surfing video he makes. Turning around in my bed, I press my face onto my pillow and shriek like a school girl with a crush, opting to do this lest the whole household hear me. Especially Ninna, whose room is just right next to mine.

When I was done with my giddiness, I turn around again and lay on my back, staring at the ceiling as I remember our small text conversation from last night, the grin never leaving my face.

Shet. Kinikilig pa rin talaga ako. Kainis! Bakit ba kasi ang cute cute mo??

I'm about to shriek again in my mirth when I suddenly hear a soft knock on my door. I sit up straight and try to compose my face into neutrality before calling out, "Pasok! Bukas 'yan."

I already know it's gonna be Ninna with my morning dose of meds. And I was right.

"Good morning, Menggay!" she singsongs as she enters my room, a teasing smile on her lips. "Mukhang ang ganda ng gising natin ngayong umaga, ah! I wonder why, hmm?"

I shrug and act like it's just a normal day as I take the pills from her tray, washing it down with the bottled water she brought up to my room with it.

"Same old, same old," I quip and take a book from my bedside table, pretending to browse through it like nothing major has happened. "I wake up, you bring my meds, we go about our day. Ganon lang."

"Weh," she replies, raising a brow in my direction as she goes to my window to open my curtains. "'Wag ako, Menggay. 'Wag mo ng pigilan 'yang ngiti at kilig mo. Halatang halata ka naman."

I pick up one of my smaller pillows and throw it over to where she's standing, finally giving in to my kilig as the both of us start to laugh.

"Eehhhhh..." I whine a little as I place some stray hairs by my ear. "Wag ka na nga!"

"Jusko, nagpabebe pa!" Ninna continues to laugh and tease me. As she completely opened my curtains, however, she squeals and motions for me to come quickly to the window.

"Menggay! Homaygats, dali! Check mo 'to, oh! DALIAN MO, JUSKO KA! BILIS!"

"Teka lang naman! Para namang kaya kong mag-ala The Flash 'di ba?? Grabe 'to!"

I still scramble quickly to move towards where she was standing, almost tripping on my feet as she motions for me to be faster. Once I reach my window, I had to fight to keep the huge grin from appearing once more on my face.

It still won out, however. And my face split into a huge happy smile as I bit on my lower lip while I read what was plastered on his window.

Because yes, he left me a good morning message via a fan sign he taped to his own bedroom window for me to see.

Good morning Nicomaine! I want to text you sana kaso baka masyado pang maaga. I'm off to the beach but I'll text you later, yeah? Have a great day! <3

Ninna is already squealing like crazy beside me as she grabbed onto my arm and start to shake me. I cannot contain my kilig as well and I start to giggle like a little school girl, hugging Ninna tight before sauntering over to my bed and plopping downwards to it, back first, with a happy and contented sigh.

Taking RisksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon