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For @hxddles - thank you for the wonderful cover. As I promised - this chapter is for you. 😍😘💛



I wake up with a huge smile on my face, stretching and getting up while chuckling, shaking my whole body to get me more awake. It's such a great morning.

Even though I slept kinda late last night since Maine and I were texting into the wee hours of the morning. Never knew that she's a total night owl, though it did kinda work in my favor too since my days are filled with work and responsibilities most of the time. And the only time I could really devote for her where my full attention is solely on her is during nighttime.

They did say that love is time. *grin*

Which was pretty much the reason why I also woke up with this silly little grin on my face. Even if I slept for only 4 hours, I think.

She had been nothing but sweet and thankful for the little surprise I gave her yesterday, telling me that it was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever done for her. Aside from that Snowy stuffed toy bear that she told me her dad made for her when she was five.

Yep - I remember. I remember everything of importance about her. I remember every little thing she tells me.

I told her it was nothing. Anything to make her smile, I'd gladly do it.

Ganito ba ang ma-inlove?


Kung ganito nga, sana ganito na lang palagi.

Of course, I know that it will not always be like this. We will probably have disagreements down the road. Plus we haven't really met in person yet. Add to the fact that she refuses for me to call her - telling me that she isn't ready for that next step yet. Even though I'm always itching to press the dial button on my phone beside her number - I still respect her wishes.

I am willing to wait for her, of course. Anything, as long as she's comfortable. We've only started to get to know each other, anyway.

But I will wait a million lifetimes, just as long as in the end - she will be mine.

Whoa. Seryoso na talaga tayo dito, ano?

God, I sound like such a sap. I don't care though.

My grin becomes wider as I accept that fact. Yes, I'm already serious about what I feel for her. It may look like it's too quick - but love is strange like that, right?

We haven't even really talked about what we really are to each other. What did my sister call it? DTR? Defining the relationship?

Yeah. That.

But I'm happy. And she's happy. And that's that.

Happy ka? I remember asking her via text last night.

Happy. She answered back with a little smiley face. Eh ikaw?

Happy rin.

And when I opened my window curtains, I saw her standing by her own bedroom window with a soft smile on her lips. She looked up from her phone and gave me a little wave before mouthing "goodnight" and closing her window curtains.

Then I received yet another text before I totally dozed off. And it had me grinning like mad and dreaming of her and what we could be - someday.

Thank you, RJ. Sobrang salamat. Hindi ko alam kung ano ang nagawa ko para ibigay ka ng Diyos sa harap ko. Pero thankful ako kasi ikaw ang binigay Niya. Ayokong maging selfish - pero sana... Sana...

Taking RisksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon