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A/N: for @MarkyMigs11 and  @ArielNishikido - wala lang. Basta. ☺️



I don't know what I'm doing. It's just a spur of the moment thing but it's something that I know in my heart is the right thing to do. I'm following my heart now and thinking about the consequences later.

And I hope to God, whatever consequence I'm gonna go through will be worth it.

Oh, who am I kidding?! Of course this is worth it!

He is worth it.

I stand in front of RJ's front gate, panting and trying to catch my breath, looking back towards my house to make sure that my nurse isn't following me. I breathe a sigh of relief when I see that I'm all alone on our street and that there isn't anyone out that morning, for some reason.

Thank the Lord.

How was I able to get out? Simple. I spiked my nurse's coffee with my mother's sleeping pills.

How ingenious, right? Heh. (Note the sarcasm. I've read too many novels to know that this is something straight out of a YA or romance story. But I digress. Goodness - I didn't even think it would be this easy.)

But well - it wasn't really THAT easy, mind you. I had to get the pills from my mother's bathroom inside her bedroom once she went to work. I was grateful that she didn't lock her room that day (which she usually does, especially now that we have a new nurse). Then I had to tell my current nurse that I'll be the one to make our coffee for the day (which wasn't easy since she usually does it and she looked at me funny when I suggested it) while I smashed the pills into powder and added enough cream and sugar to her coffee so it would mask the bitter taste of the pill.

I know my mother's pills are strong. She's been taking them ever since my father and sisters died so she could at least get some decent hours of dreamless sleep - one that won't make her wake up in the middle of the night screaming their names.

So it wasn't really a surprise for me when half an hour later - my nurse was slumped down on our dining table, the newspaper she was reading and spiked coffee she was sipping in front of her while she snored - loud.

Knowing that it would only be a matter of time (a loooong one, I hope) before my nurse wakes up and calls my mom once she finds out I'm gone - I swiftly went back to my room and grabbed my backpack, quickly looking inside and making sure that all I needed were in it, then running fast yet quietly towards our front door as I put on my sneakers that I haven't really worn at all. Considering that I really don't get out of the house - it was a miracle my mother agreed to get me these white Converse Jack Purcell's. Don't ask me why. I didn't really try to find out and I didn't really ask. I'm grateful for them today though. Because it's like a symbol - a step to my freedom.

I took a deep breath before opening our front door, my hands slightly shaking.

It's now or never, Menggay.

And when I finally did - I took my first big gulp of fresh air and almost cried in happiness when I felt the sun's rays on my face. The real ones. Not the ones that go through the windows of our sun room.

I giddily took my first step out into the real world and grinned, a choking sob turned laugh caught in my throat as I quickly walked towards our gate and out of my house.

And towards the one house I knew I wanted to be in at that time.

And now - here I am. Finally. In front of RJ's house. Ringing his doorbell repeatedly. Praying to the Almighty that my nurse doesn't come peeking out any second now.

Taking RisksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon