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Para sa inyo 3cheeese at magicheart21  - dahil mukhang mahal niyo rin ang istoryang ito. Mahal ko rin kayo. 💛



It has been a week since my "date" with RJ and here I am, moping inside my room - not knowing what to do and how to talk to him because I suddenly have no means to.

Damn it.

I'm better than this. I need to do something. Anything. I don't have to mope like a teenager who just had her heart broken. Though to be honest - that's what I feel like at the moment. Regardless of whether I ain't a teenager anymore.

But I digress. And for the life of me, I really don't know what to do.

Oh, don't get me wrong. We still talked after that date. We were giddy and we still called each other and texted each other for the next couple of days. RJ still stuck his morning messages for me on his window everyday.

But that ended four days later.

And four days later - my life started to take a different turn.

It all went downhill from there.

It started when I woke up on that fourth day, frowning and wondering because Ninna didn't knock on my door to give me my meds which was our usual routine. Instead, I woke up an hour later than my scheduled time to take my medicine to find my pills on my bedside table with a bottled water beside them.

That's odd. I remembered thinking as I downed my pills with a gulp of water. I then took my usual morning rituals - showering and dressing up for the day before walking up to my bedroom window to check on RJ.

Only to find out that my windows have been locked down with blinds that I couldn't open at all, making me not see through my usual morning greeting from RJ. There wasn't even a gap where I could check what was outside.

I started to have a bad feeling already.

It intensified when I went downstairs to hear my mother humming in the kitchen and preparing breakfast. Usually at this time, she's already gone to work and it's just Ninna and I. It was a weekday after all. But that day - she was home and cooking. With Ninna nowhere in sight.

"Nay," I breathed out just as she turned towards me with a tight smile.

"Oh, gising ka na pala. Upo ka na. Nagluto ako ng paborito mong tapa at sinangag. May itlog din akong pinrito. Medyo malasado 'yan kasi 'yun ang favorite mo, 'di ba?" she told me as she started to bring all the dishes to the dining table. "Juice gusto mo? Or hot chocolate?"

"Si Ninna po?" I dared to ask instead of answering her question. I really was starting to have a bad feeling already at that time.

"Kumain ka na muna at mamaya na tayo mag-usap. Marami pa akong gagawin pagkatapos at—"

"Nay, bakit po kayo nandito? Paano ang trabaho niyo?" I asked again, cutting her off. I had mixed feelings when I asked this, I remember. Seeing my mom home from work was something I wanted since I wanted her to spend time with me. But at the same time, the absence of Ninna was beginning to alarm me. It made me think of different things.

"Ikaw talaga," my mother sighed before smiling that tight smile of hers again. "Hindi na ba ako pwedeng mag-absent para makasama ang nag-iisa kong anak? Sige na. Kumain ka na muna. Mamaya, marami tayong pag-uusapan."

I decided then to remain quiet and just follow what she told me to do. I ate my breakfast, complimented my mother that it was good before telling her that I was going to go up to my room to start studying. She hummed in acquiescence and waved me off while she did the dishes.

Taking RisksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon