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A/N: Because I just can't not write this out already.



Tangina. Ang ganda ganda naman niya.

That was my first thought the moment she stepped inside the room where Ninna instructed me to wait. I'm still feeling incredulous regarding the plans that my best friend and Ninna came up with but I can't help but feel excited as well.

I mean - who wouldn't be? Here I am - inside the house of this one girl that I like that I'm about to take "out" on a "date." I will finally see her face to face. I will finally hear her voice. I will finally be able to touch her.

Granted - we won't really go out since Maine cannot totally get out of the house. Add to that, that Ninna had to "disinfect" me and Katring by spraying this weird whatever on us then getting blown by this big humidifier of some sort that's supposed to make us even more "clean" before even entering the premises. It was a precaution, she said. Just to make sure we weren't bringing any outside germs or what-not that could compromise Maine's health.

After which, Ninna brought us to this - what do they call this again? Oh yeah - the sun room, the inside room that shows a bit of the outdoors. It has floor to ceiling glass windows all around with couches, some shelves filled with books and different plants that decorated the entire expanse of the room. I'm not even sure if those are real plants. Don't really care since I'm more concerned about the fact that in just a few seconds - I'm going to finally meet - her.

I was sweating bullets despite the air conditioning that Ninna turned on. Regardless of whether I tried to act cool and nonchalant, Katring knew that I was nervous as fuck and she made sure to let Ninna know with a snicker and a teasing grin. I had to frown at her for that. But hey - she won't be my best friend if she didn't make fun of whatever circumstance I was in at that moment.

Ninna simply shook her head at our antics and told me to stay put just as she took Katring somewhere (I'm assuming to her room). She then told me that she'll call Maine down after that.

I looked outside and tried to act casual when Ninna and Katring left but my heart was hammering like crazy. What do you say to that one person that you feel so connected to in that short period of time even though you really haven't talked properly yet?

This is insane. Kingina, bakit ba ganito?!

My breathing stopped when I heard Ninna's voice outside the room telling her to go on in and that she'll follow after a quick restroom trip. I closed my eyes and tried to count to ten to calm me the fuck down. Because I was about to see her. In the flesh. After countless nights and days of wishing and imagining and hoping that I can hold her - I was finally so close to making that into reality. I then slowly turned around and finally saw... her.

King. Ina.

She was looking down and just the sight of her standing a few feet away from me took my breath away. I could easily grasp her if I wanted. I gasped and that was when she looked up, surprised and kind of... scared?

Why would she be scared?

Oh, right. What would you feel if someone was suddenly inside your home when for the longest time ever - you never had visitors and the only people you ever see in person were your nurse and mom?

Duh, RJ.

"Hi, Maine," I quietly said, smiling slightly then nothing more. I didn't know what to say anymore. I simply stared at her after that, savoring the sight of her before my very eyes.

Taking RisksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon