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I've been watching her for the last half hour as she takes in a deep breath, eyes closed, arms opened wide, to savor and breathe in the cool, salty sea breeze. It's been quite a busy day - what with her surprising me in my own home and her not-too-unusual request of seeing the ocean. Of course, her first request at this taste of freedom she's been granted is to see the one thing that she's been longing to see all her life. And I was only too happy to be the one to grant that one wish of hers.

The way to Kris' villa was a bit of a drive. It was further than the usual haunts that Katring and I frequent. But I didn't go to the ocean to surf this time. I went because of her. This trip, however spontaneous it was, was all because of her.

Plus I thought that at least here, in Kris' villa  - it would take some time for Maine's mother to find her - with it being tucked miles away from the main road and with little to almost no cell signal. Plus no one really knew about this place except for Kris' family and a few other friends. Which I doubt, Maine's mom knows.

And lastly as well as the most important - the city general hospital is but twenty minutes away.

Yes - I've thought of every possibility and about what may or may not happen about this little visit of hers with me. Knocking on wood.

Because I want her to have the best time possible.

Because I want her to be laughing and smiling during this entire trip.

Because I want her to remember everything and feel everything and be able to say that she's happy and she does not have any regrets doing all these.

And because...

I love her.

Yes, I finally admitted it to myself. Because how else would you explain all the things that I've done and been doing all for her sake? Those that know me knows that I'm not usually like this. I only sacrifice a lot for those that I care about and love.

So yep - I've finally admitted it. To her, though? Well, that's a different story. We'll see. Maybe this trip will make me. Depends.

I find myself smiling as I watch her laugh a little before she ran towards the small waves lapping at the shore, her feet digging across the damp sand. She squats down so she can feel the warm water against her hands before turning her beatific smile towards me. I have to stifle a gasp as I see how much her face is shining and brimming with happiness from that little quirks of her lips. It's such a sight to behold.

"I'm here," she whispers, her voice slightly unbelieving as she took in her surroundings once more, before turning towards the horizon. "I'm really here."

I walk towards where she is and stand right next to her before she stands up as well and wraps her arms around my middle, pinching my waist, making me chuckle. I automatically wrap her in my arms, as well, rubbing her arms a little to warm her up - happy that I'm one of the reasons that placed that smile on her face.

Well - not me, really. I know the ocean placed that smile. But hey - aren't I the one who took her to the ocean? So that makes me a part of that smile too, right?!

I shake my head mentally at the incredulousness of my thoughts and instead, tighten my arms around this frail but strong woman in my arms. Frail because perhaps of her sickness. But strong, so strong to be able to overcome it and see life beautifully and without regrets.

I remain silent as we both look at the setting sun, the bright orange of sunset saying farewell as the purple and pink hues of the night sky greet us just as the first stars start to  wink and peek out to say hello.

Taking RisksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon