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A/N: ****This fic started out in my head only below is a quick recap of what went on in my head before I worked up the courage to post on here, the other chapters will be much better written and go into more detail. Also I realize this seems like a Panic! fic by this intro but trust me it turns Josh Dun X Reader real quick***

You were a struggling dancer looking for work when your friend contacted you on Myspace to let you know that Panic! At The Disco  was holding emergency auditions to be the performer that does the lap dance routine with Brendon on stage during But It's Better If You Do because the girl that usually does it had quit, you went to audition nailed it and got the part you were supposed to just fill in for a few nights until they could find a permanent replacement. You had one night to learn the whole routine but truth is you  already knew the whole thing by heart, you were a huge Panic! fan and actually won a dance competition doing the same routine a few months prior. The show went amazing that night, Brendon was looking at you the whole time like I can't believe she's nailing this with only one night of practice! You had a lot of chemistry on stage. Backstage after the show the guys were thanking  you for saving the show and asking how you learned it so fast. You came clean and admitted about winning a dance competition with the routine. They asked if you wanted the job permanently and to go on tour with them, of course you accepted. You told them you just needed to go home and pack. Brendon asked if he could come with you  and wanted to hear more about you dance career on the way. You also ended telling him you had done a burlesque performance to Lying Is The Most Fun before too, admitting that you think it's a really sexy song and also secretly always wanted to have sex to that song, he laughed and said if he was to ever have sex to one of his own songs it would probably be that one too. You finish packing and get in the car. Guess what was playing on the radio....?  Lying Is The Most Fun.. You look over at him to see if he noticed and he's looking at you, you both quickly look away from each other then  decide to go for it and fuck in the car, you ride him and when he comes he bites you  hard on your neck behind your ear leaving a mark. The ride back to the venue was awkward and silent and you  couldn't believe what just happened. You reach your hand up to your  neck where the bite was just to make sure you weren't dreaming. Brendon saw you do it and apologized saying he was sorry and he shouldn't have done that and it's a bad habit he said he has where he likes to mark the people he fucks. You go back to the tour bus and the guys all take you out to eat to celebrate and the awkwardness starts to fade away. But during dinner you notice Ryan's got the same bite mark behind his ear, and you later confront Brendon about it saying "so the Ryden rumors are true I cant help but notice you marked Ryan as well?" He  admits it to you  but told you not to say anything to Ryan about it, but about a week later you accidentally walk in on them in the lounge and Ryan freaks out and Brendon explains to him that you've  know about them for about a week now and haven't told a soul and that their secret is safe. You end up joining them in the lounge in a steamy threesome. You spend much of the rest of the tour fucking them both, sometimes at the same time, some times just Brendon and  sometimes just Ryan. By the end of tour you and Ryan had had more bite marks on your necks then you could keep track of and you're pretty sure the makeup crew hates you both for it.  The makeup crew knows Ryan is dating Keltie, but the two of you are  always in make up together getting your marks covered up that they just assume you gave them to each other.  You know they call you the Tour Whore behind your back, but you don't care. 

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