Chapter Twelve

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  A/N: Y/N =Your name

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  A/N: Y/N =Your name

          Tour's been amazing, it's such an incredible feeling to see your work on the boys website, and have magazines calling you asking for permission to use your photos. Tonight is your birthday and the boys said they have something special planned. You told them that it was just another day and that it wasn't necessary  but they said they insist.

          The boys finish playing Trees which is always the last song of the night, but then Tyler walks to the standing mic in the front of the stage with his Ukulele. "Usually that's where we end our show but we have a special song for someone very special to my fren Josh here, that we want to play for you all.  She's right here." Tyler says pointing to you in front of the barricades, making you blush. "Her name is Y/N she's our Tour Photographer and also happens to be Josh's girlfriend, and today is her birthday. I know  you all know this song so sing along. Tyler plays Happy Birthday on the Ukulele with Josh playing a finale on drums. Of course you capture pictures of both, the boys just made your night.

          As your packing up your camera equipment backstage, you feel a presence behind you, but before you can turn around, a hand covers your mouth ,  a blindfold is tied around your eyes, and you are lifted off your feet. Someones carrying your upper body and someone else your legs. You panic for a split second, until you hear Josh's voice in your ear. "You might need that safeword tonight baby in case you don't like what Tyler and I have planned for you, what is it ?" he growls. "Mmmm Hope" you purr. They carry you for a distance before you hear a door close and they stand you up tearing off your clothes, and presumably theirs, mouths licking, kissing and nipping  at your body before they lay you down, the boy above your head pinning your shoulders to the floor. The floor is as cold as ice causing you to arch your back off the floor. "You hold her down, and I'll fuck her!" You hear a voice  from the boy kneeling between your legs say, a voice that most certainly does not belong to Josh. "TYLER?" You gasp pulling the blindfold up, to see Tyler, kneeling in front of your naked body wearing  nothing but tattoos and a black ski mask , you look up above your head to see Josh wearing a red ski mask, the sight of both boys making your insides swirl with desire.  Josh gives your shoulders a squeeze silently letting you know he's okay with this if you are. The boys pause briefly to see if your gonna use your safeword, but there's no way your passing up the chance to fuck Tyler and have Josh be okay with it. You love Josh but you'd be lying if you said you didn't sometimes think about what it would be like to have Tyler inside of you, especially after the last time the three of you were together. Tyler places a hand on your bent knee sliding it down your thigh until he reaches your center, playing with your lips. " Damn Josh you were right she does have the the prettiest pussy ever doesn't she." Tyler groans, now sliding two fingers into you, slowly curling them inside of you, repeatedly causing you to let out a moan. "yeah, she taste good too." Josh replies from above you. "Oh is that right?" Tyler questions, pulling his fingers out of you bringing them to his mouth, licking between the two fingers that were just in you, making you whine impatiently.  "You wanna taste yourself Princess?" Tyler asks, bringing his fingers to your mouth.   "yes." You whine, squirming from his words, opening your mouth, tongue hanging out past your lips. "yes, what?" Tyler barks, pulling his hand back. "Come on Princess I've heard you say it for Josh, you can say it for me too." He begs. "Yes, Daddy." You moan, squirming again, Josh still pinning you down. "Mmmmm that's better. He says now allowing you to lick your wetness from his  fingers, your tongue swirling around his digits tasting yourself as he pushes them father down your throat making you gag. "Fuck that's so hott baby I love listening to you call Tyler Daddy you little slut." Josh groans. "Fuck her Tyler, I wanna watch her squirt on you." Josh begs. "Ooooh you never told me shes a squirter." Tyler groans excitedly. "Oh yeah, just wait!" Josh says, as Tyler rams into you, causing  you to gasp and your back arch off the floor. Josh pushes down harder on your shoulders. "How's Tyler feel baby?" He asks. " Fucccck, so good!" You moan, looking up at the masked boy,bucking your hips. "Mmmm you like when I let Tyler fuck you baby?" Josh asks. "Yes. Yes Daddy" you correct yourself. Tyler picks up speed fucking you harder and faster, hitting your spot as you writhe under him. "God, Tyler right there, fuck uhhh, don't stop." You beg, bringing your hands to Josh's arms above you, digging in your nails, as Tyler continues to thrust. "Don't fucking scratch me whore."  Josh snaps, removing one hand from you shoulder replacing it with his knee and bringing his hand to your throat choking you. "MMMm yesss, choke me Daddy!" You squeak out. Josh grasps your neck harder. "Josh , help me fuck your girl."  Tylers suggests. Josh releases you from being pinned as Tyler pulls you on top on him. Josh spits on his dick, running his hand over the tip to spread it before sliding into your other entrance. "FUCK!" You scream arching back towards Josh. The two of them inside you filling both your holes with their length is the most intense pleasure you have ever felt and you know it won't be long. Josh slips  a hand between you and Tyler rubbing your clit vigorously until you squirt, dripping down Tyler's length. "Mmmm Fuck." Both boys groan as you feel  warm sensations filling you up. Josh pulls out of you quickly, causing a slight sting, followed by Tyler, who lays you back down. "We're not done here." Tyler growls, bringing his masked face to your core lapping up your wetness. Josh joins him, the two boys tongues fighting each other  in a battle over your clit. You grasp the back of both their masked heads pulling them into you harder and coming  for the second time. Happy Birthday to me! 

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