Chapter Five

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**Y/N = your name

      The next day practice went a hell of a lot better, Brendon backed off and stop trying to grind on you during your routine, which made your stage chemistry seem less forced , Josh nailed all the songs on drums, and you even saw Brendon approach Dan sitting on the sidelines and ask how his wrist was feeling. You for one were feeling accomplished, hoping things only got better from there. During lunch Brendon announces he's taking everyone out that night for all their hard work. Everyone exchanges glances of surprise and confusion, but you know its just his guilt eating away at him like moths upon old scarves. 

    "I think I'm just gonna say on the tour bus and relax, catch up on Shameless or something, you guys go" you announce as everyone's about to leave the bus for whatever Brendon has planned. In all honesty Brendon  owes them much more of an apology than you anyways ,you said you peace last night and Brendon's already making somewhat of an effort towards to you, and the guys have been dealing with him much longer they deserve this.  "You sure you don't wanna come babe?" Josh says placing a gentle kiss on your lips before standing up, the two of you  don't even bother trying to hide it anymore now that Brendon knows. "yeah I'm sure" you smirk "you guys go, have fun, you deserve it." Just then you hear the familiar whoosh of tour bus air brakes right outside, everyone looks out the bus window to find The Twenty One Pilots tour bus parked on the side of yours. "oh shit it's Ty" Josh exclaims running outside to great him, everyone follows. "Hey what are you doing here!?, I thought you weren't joining us until our stop in Ohio" Josh says excitedly. "I wanted to surprise you guys, I left as soon as I hung up the phone with Brendon the other day, been on the road since" Tyler says sounding tired. "We were just leaving Brendon's taking us out, you gonna come" Josh asks. "Sorry buddy I'm beat, I'll catch up with you guys in the morning have  fun" Tyler says. "No problem man its cool, Y/N's not coming either maybe you guys could hang out and get to know each other" Josh says giving you a final kiss before they leave. "yeah I'd like that"Tyler says motioning for you to join him on the bus.

     Inside, their tourbus seems more spacious than Panic!'s despite its slightly smaller size, less bunks taking up room you guess. Tyler gives you the grand tour before you guys finally settle in the lounge. "Can I get you anything to drink?" Tyler asks, cracking open his Redbull he just pulled from the mini bar, "Sure what do you got?" you respond taking a seat on the end of the couch. "Pretty much whatever you want I stocked it pretty good before I left" he says. "ummm... Surprise me" you say. "Here, you look like a wine drinker" he says passing you a large glass of red wine. You're really not but you accept it graciously, sipping it slowly. "So I've heard a lot about you." Tyler says taking a seat at the opposite end of the couch. "good things I hope" you say sounding more like a question than a statement. "yes definitely good things, I haven't heard Josh this happy since before he broke up with his ex ." Tyler answers. "yeah so I hear" you say taking a sip of wine. "So how come you didn't want to go out with the guys tonight?" he asks, "uggh long story, plus I kinda just wanted an excuse to catch up on Shameless anyway, I started it before I left i'm only a a few episodes in but I've been so busy I haven't got a chance to watch it lately." you admit. "Shut up, me too!, what episode?" he asks. "The one with Mickey and Ian" you say not wanting to give too much away in case he hasn't seen it yet. "I just finished that one before I left! That's it I'm putting it on!" he exclaims. "I'm glad those two got together, Ian  and Kash grossed me out, Mickey seems like he'd be rough, and Kinky, like I like..." you trail off, the wine playing tricks on your tongue acting like a truth serum. Oh God why did I just say that to Tyler, Josh's Best Friend! It came off sounding so needy and desperate like I was flirting with him or hitting on him, Was I?  You think to yourself.  He's very attractive and you'd be lying if you said that his voice didn't do things to you, but you would never do that to Josh, and besides Tyler looks way to innocent to be into anything remotely kinky. "No but seriously  I can't believe its 2018 and people still feel the need to hide the fact that they are gay it breaks my heart, I'm always the first person my friends come out to because they know I'll support them and they can trust me with their secret even though I wish it didn't have to be one" you say hoping to sound more genuine and less like a whore" Tyler seems unfazed by your prior admission, and you spend the rest of the night chatting and bonding over Shameless and your closeness to Josh, eventually going to bed in separate bunks of course. 

Around 3 am. you are awoken suddenly by the weight of a body behind you arm draped around your frame, you panic rolling over. It's just Josh he must have just gotten back from his night out. "Sorry baby, I didn't mean to startle you" he whispers kissing your forehead, "go back to sleep" but you can't fall back asleep, guilt swirls in your stomach at your words earlier, you know you didn't do anything wrong but you cant help but feel your words are going to come back to fuck you.

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