Chapter Four

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Later that night everyone's in their bunks winding down for the night exhausted from the day. You get up to get a drink of water from the mini fridge in the lounge , passing Josh's bunk, the last one on the left. As you turn to head back to  your bunk with your water, passing Josh's bunk yet again, he sticks his hand out of his bunk and grabs your inner thigh sliding his hand all the way up under your grey nightgown only to discover you're not wearing any panties. Quickly you sneak into his bunk climbing on top him. "uh uh not here, lounge" he whispers. Quietly you two exist the bunk sneaking into the lounge a few steps away, locking the door behind you. "Back to the room where it all began.." Josh jokingly sings, placing a kiss on your neck. "Careful, don't let Brendon catch you singing that, you know he likes to pretend Pretty Odd never happened" you joke, getting a laugh out of the both of you, his smile stirring your desire. You push him down onto the couch and straddle him yanking off his oversized tank, and quickly reaching into his boxers pulling him free, guiding his manhood into your already soaked core. You rock your hips, grinding down on his length. Muffled moans escape Josh's lips and you bring your mouth to his to keep him quiet. Sitting back up you begin to ride him, just as you're coming down Josh catches you off guard thrusting up, deep into you. You turn your head biting your own shoulder to keep yourself from screaming his name. Suddenly Josh wraps both his arms tightly around you holding you in place as he switches the position laying you on you back, his cock still inside you. As he fucks you you wrap your legs around his ass pulling him in deeper. "I'm gonna come" he whispers " me too" you moan into his neck as you both ride out your orgasms. He looks down at you giving you a kiss and pulls out of you, a mixture of his come and your own wetness spilling out of you creating a dark puddle on the grey fabric of your nightgown under you. "fuck I can't go back out there like this" you whine. Josh gets up tossing you his tank "here put this on". You remove your wet nightgown and slip his tank on as if somehow that's less suspicious. You unlock the door and start  heading back to your bunk. Just then Brendon gets up to use the bathroom walking past you, "what's this?" he asks pinching the fabric of Josh's tank between his thumb and index finger "you're wearing his clothes now?!" he scoffs  "Brendon, outside I need to talk to you" you demand between your teeth. Outside the tour bus the night air is cold and sharp, you wrap your arms around your body to keep yourself from shivering. "what's your problem?" you spit out. "you think I dont know you're fucking Josh?" he hisses. "and........?" you retort "I mean let's be honest if you were really mad about us fucking you would be being a dick to Josh too not just me, I think your problem is that I'm not fucking YOU, Brendon Fucking Urie, the 'only' member of Panic! At The Disco now, God do you even realize what an arrogant prick you've become?" "Why because I don't want you hurting my friend, you don't think I see the way he looks at you when he thinks no one else is watching, I haven't seen him smile this much since he was dating his ex , it's obvious he's developing feelings for you.... and I swear to God if you hurt him..." Brendon  trails off  "I'm developing feelings for him to!" you blurt out as butterflies attack your insides at the realization of what you just admitted. "Bullshit you've known him for a few days, you have feelings for his dick!" he yells "oh so he can develop feelings for me after a few days but I'm incapable!?" "why because I'm just the tour whore?" you ask angrily. "you said it not me!" he snarls. "You know what Brendon fuck you!,  you treat everyone like you're the only one that matters now, giving Dan shit about his arm like he did it on purpose or something, you should be kissing Josh's ass for saving this tour, and ultimately saving Dan's career because there's no telling what would of happened had Josh not been here to cover and you forcing Dan to play injured, you're a real piece of work you know that" you drill into him. And in that moment he looks like he's seen a ghost, you can tell your words ring true and that he's realizes it. You walk away climbing back up the tour bus steps. "hey" Brendon yells out " I-I'm sorry" "Good!" you respond not giving him the satisfaction of accepting his apology. 

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