Chapter Eleven

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          "Ugghhhh, why did we stay up until like three  a.m. if we had to get up for six a.m for our flights back home."  You complain, dragging yourself out of bed, and pulling the covers off Josh. "Get up." You say smacking him on the ass, playfully, producing a tired groan from Josh. "Brendon texted, they're all having a quick breakfast in the hotel dinning room before leaving, come on get up." You say, pulling Josh up. He sits there for a minute, squinty-eyed, green hair a mess, God he's beautiful. You guys get ready, finish packing up, grab your luggage and head to breakfast. 

          You're surprised to see Sarah at breakfast, it's obvious she spent the night, and you can't help but wonder if they fucked, although they didn't have the luxury of having their own room. But that's life on the road, you fuck where you can, when you can , and usually your friends do you the courtesy of pretending they didn't hear you.Usually. "Hey you got all your stuff packed up, we're leaving here in five to bring you back back to the airport" Brendon asks you. "I'm just gonna catch a ride with Josh and Tyler if that's cool? Their flight is leaving around the same time mine is and I know yours is a little later, so don't worry about it, spend some more time with Sarah before you go." You say with an approving  smile to both of them. "Sure that's cool." He smiles. "Thank you for everything!" You say getting up to give him a hug and say your goodbyes. "Thank You, you were awesome it was great having you back to perform with us." He says hugging you back. "It was nice meeting you guys!" You say hugging the rest of the touring members. "I was nice to meet you too, Sarah" you say giving her a quick hug as well. "It was nice seeing you again" she whispers in your ear mid hug.  You smile at her when shes pulls back. Josh and Tyler finish up their goodbyes and you head to the airport.

          Josh and Tyler walk you to your gate. You say your goodbyes to Tyler first, saving Josh for last. You give him the biggest hug, burying your head in chest. "I love you." he says softly placing a kiss on the top of your head. "I love you too." You manage to choke out as a lump in your throat forms and your eyes begin to well "I'm gonna miss you so much." Your voice cracks. "Babe don't cry." He says, breaking the hug to wipe your tears "I'm gonna miss you so much too but it's only four months, and I'll call you everyday, we can even Face Time if I'm not too busy." He promises. "I'm sorry babe, I don't mean to cry these past few months have just been so emotional, meeting you, falling in love with you, inviting me on tour with you guys to live my dream, and now leaving you if only for four months, and the fact that I have my period isn't helping either." You admit. Tyler's ears perk up at the word period, he looks confused. "Period? but I definitely heard you guys in the showe...... " Tylers trails off, forgetting he's talking about the two of you.  "You guys are freaks you know that right?" Tyler laughs, walking away giving you guys space. You and Josh look at each other and laugh, breaking out into a smile amid your emotions. The apple of your cheeks stopping the tears from rolling any farther.  "We gotta get to our gate babe, I love you." He says giving you a final hug. "I love you too," you say as you break the hug, hands sliding down to find each others, grazing each others fingertips until your no longer touching as Josh heads towards his gate. You stand there and watch him leave, catching him looking back at you. He waves, and continues to walk until he disappears in the crowd.

          The next four months were long but Josh kept his promise calling you everyday, even if only for a few minutes some days. Some of his less busy days you would talk for hours, and even work out some sexual frustrations though phone sex over Face Time, that boy sure had a talent for talking dirty.

      The butterflies in your stomach take flight as your plane touches down, just a few more minutes until you touch Josh for the first time in four months. You disembark the plane, and walk down the jetway, and there at the end you see Josh and Tyler waiting for you. You run to Josh, dropping your bags at his feet, and jumping into his arms, wrapping your legs around him like it's been four years you've been apart not months. "God, I've missed you!" he says embracing you. "Missed you too." you say kissing him. Tyler pats the both of you on the back, glad you have been reunited. You jump back down, interlock hands with Josh and the three of you exit the airport and find the tour bus waiting for you in the parking garage. It's not until you're back on the road and coming down from the adrenaline rush of being with Josh again that you notice a small piece of dark watermelon pink hair sticking out from under his backwards hat. "Oh my god you died your hair a new color, I love it!!!" You exclaim "Yeah I wanted to change it up for the new tour." He says. "You guys still doing the ski mask this tour?" You ask a little too excitedly. "Yeah for a couple songs, why?" He asks. "What's a matter Daddy you can't figure out your girl's got a ski mask kink too?" Tyler teases. "I'm never gonna live that down am I?" You blush, playfully hitting Tyler in the arm. "Oww what the frick?" Tyler complains. "Oh don't be such a pussy Ty, Josh spanks me harder than that." You laugh, Josh chokes, and Tyler's  face matches Josh's hair. 

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