Chapter One

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          It's been over 10 years now since your debut as a performer for Panic! At The Disco. It definitely jump started your career but things have been quiet that last few years. You haven't had many dancing jobs but were now doing some Photography work, your other passion. You stayed in touch with Brendon and the band on various forms of social media over the years. You were devastated to learn of Jon and Ryan's departure of the band in 2009, Creative differences they sighted as explanation...okay you  for one knew better than that and honestly so did most of the fans they were never very good at hiding it. You were  equally upset to learn of Spencer's  drug addiction and departure as well. But you were excited when you heard Brendon mention in an interview that with the next tour after Death Of A Bachelor he wanted to get back into doing the big Theatrical performances at shows again. And you were more than excited when Brendon contacted you and asked you to be one of their performers and go on tour with them again. You packed up your  life and took the next flight out. Brendon met you at the airport, he was already there anyways picking up his friend Josh who had just wrapped up his tour with Twenty One Pilots a few months ago and wanted to show his support for Brendon and stick around to watch some practices and hangout afterwards. They never usually got to hang out much because of conflicting tour schedules, so this worked out perfectly.  You all stop to use the bathroom before you hit the road for the long drive back to the practice space. You're done and out of the bathroom long before they are, what the fuck are they doing in there you think to yourself, aren't girls supposed to be the ones that take forever in the bathroom. Finally they emerge and you exit the airport. When you arrived at the practice space, all the guys were outside playing hackey sac just like old times, except that it wasn't at all. You  knew the others had left the band and knew about the new guys but this just made it all too real seeing Kenny, Dallon, and Dan in the hack circle where you remember Ryan, Jon, and Spencer being. Brendon introduced them to you and told them the story of how you saved their ass more than 10 years ago. The guys seem really nice but it just felt so different to you, even Brendon seems different like the fames gone to his head you sense a cockiness to him he never had before. You begin to wonder if accepting this offer was a good idea after all, the only person you even know here is Brendon but he just seems like a different person now. You try to distract yourself from thinking about it anymore by just watching the guys play their game. Josh kicks the sack to Kenny and that's when you notice IT! His green hair moved just enough when he kicks that you can see the corner of what looks like a bite mark behind his left ear. Oh my god it can't be you that what they were doing in the bathroom at the airport that took them so long.?..was Brendon fucking him? Just then you feel Brendon looking at you and you know he saw you looking at the bite mark, and he smirks at you as if to say "so you remember?" Your eyes widen in disbelief and Brendon nods once like he's confirming that the bite is in fact from him, then  brings a finger to his mouth in a shushing motion. You don't know what to think, what to do, how to act, you pull out my phone to distract yourself and notice the time...shit you have costume consultation and fitting in like 10 minutes luckily its right down the street from the practice studio and you walk. It went a lot quicker than you were expecting, its like the garment was made just for you  it barely needed any adjustments. Somehow that eases some of your worries about making the right choice but you still have to face Josh when you go back and act like you don't know. You've done this once before when it was Ryan why does it feel so hard to do this time, maybe because their was already rumors circulating last time so it wasn't hard to believe but this came as a shock to you. When you  get back the guys are still playing hackey sack outside but Brendon and Josh are missing. "Where's Brendon and Josh?" you ask "Not sure." Kennny replies, "but he said you would know where to find them. "What the hell does that mean you think to yourself. You wonder if they went to that restaurant across the street you used to frequent when you guys  toured in this city, that has to be it. You walk to the back of the parking lot where the tour bus is parked to grab your purse before walking over to the restaurant. But just as you grab your purse you hear moaning coming from the lounge, you walk to the lounge door ,its closed but unlocked, thats odd Brendon learned his lesson the night you walked in on him and Ryan and has locked the door out of habit even since whether the lounge was being used for sex, just hanging out, or writing lyrics at the desk in there. This must be Brendon's way of inviting you to join them you think to yourself. That must have been what he meant by you'd know where to find them. you decide to open the door and see Josh sitting on top on the writing desk and Brendon on his knees in front of him head buried in his lap with his hands on Josh's thighs. Josh has both palms flat on the desk on either side of himself fingers curled around and gripping the edge of the table, back arched, head back, eyes closed, clearly enjoying himself, his green hair a disheveled mess and you know that that means Brendon's already had his turn, because you know along with being a biter he's also a hair puller and head shover especially when he's getting head. Just then Josh must sense your  presence because he flings his eyes open to see you standing there and a panicked looked washes over his face and he shoves Brendon away and tries to cover himself, and immediately starts to try and frantically explain and make excuses. "Its not what you ....I can explain...tour... its been so long.. Brendon was just... tour rules.. you wouldn't understand... im not gay..." . 'I'm not gay', really here we go again you think to yourself where have I heard that before. You look down at Brendon before saying anything, he looks pleased with himself like he planned this. "I'm sorry, it's fine I'm not gonna say anything, tell him Brendon." You beg "Yeah dude trust me shes cool she wont say anything." Brendon says and attempts to go back to blowing Josh but Josh shoves him away again, he's not buying it. "How can you be so sure?" Josh asks. "She never told anyone about me and Ryan" Brendon says, "She saw the bite mark on his neck and never said a word to him or anyone else about it even when she caught us with her own eyes a week later." Just then you see Josh's hand slowly move from trying to cover himself to his neck trying to cover the evidence. "I already saw it earlier" you say the room goes silent for a minute until you break the silence with "So are you guys gonna invite me to join you or what?Josh looks down at Brendon as if to say "Are we?"  "Get your ass in here!" Brendon says "and lock the door" Based on how the last tour you were part of went, if  this is any indication of how this tour is gonna be you don't think you have anything to worry about. You step into the lounge and lock the door behind you.

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