Chapter Nine

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          (Y/N) = Your name

           The tour was an amazing success, almost every night performing sold out shows. Dan's arm was healed up before your bruises had even completely faded and he was able to take over back on the drums after two weeks in a brace, leaving you and Josh more time to fuck and fool around between your dance routines, you two couldn't keep your hands off of each other. You quickly ran out of the makeup Brendon had given you, but Josh got better at marking you in less conspicuous  places but you still had to suck it up a few times and go to hair and make up to get a mark or two covered that stuck out past the hem of your booty shorts. You pretty much moved all you luggage and belongings into the Twenty One Pilots tour bus you had been sleeping there almost every night with Josh anyways. Tyler and you even got really close too, it was like you were one of the guys when the three of you would hang out, no awkward third wheels. Tonight's show in Detroit  was the last of the tour and Brendon had splurged and got a hotel room for an after party, he was even nice enough to get you and Josh your own room next door knowing it would be your last night together before the four month long wait until the Twenty One Pilots tour started. He really is happy for you and Josh, and he's been doing his best to be respectful of the two of you, but you still feel guilty for unknowingly breaking his heart, you just hope he finds someone soon he's had enough heartbreak.

          Brendon was the first to shower and get dressed for the after party after the last performance in Detriot. "How do I look?" He asks nervously upon existing the bathroom. "Fine, why?" Dallon asks curiously. "Ok so do you remember how I met that girl on the last tour when we were here in Detroit  and we really hit it off but she had a boyfriend ?" Brendon asks pacing back and forth. "Oh yeah, Sarah right?" Dallon asks. "Yes her, well she just texted me she was at the show tonight, and she wants to get together again, and get this dude... she's single now! I invited her to the party tonight" Brendon says excitedly.  "oh that's awesome Brendon, I can't wait to meet her!" You say, happy for him. 

          The party's in full swing, your sitting on Josh's lap drinking a beer and talking ,when there's a knock at the door. Brendon opens the door "Hey everyone this is Sarah." he says. You look up meeting her eyes the both of you go pale white. This is got to be a joke, out of all the Sarah's in the world; Sarah Fucking Orzechowski, your old college roommate, really? "Nice to meet you." She says extending her hand towards you. Oh so that's how she wants to play this you think as you reach out to shake her hand, "Nice to meet you too, I'm (Y/N)" You say, trying to sound sincere, as of she doesn't already know your name. You thought the rest of the night would be awkward but she was actually quiet sweet and you spent quite a bit of time talking, and playing catch up unbeknownst to anyone else.

          After the party starts to die down and people start crashing on the couch, you and Josh head into your room for the night. "Sooooo are you gonna tell me what's up with you and this Sarah chick? You looked like you saw a ghost when she came in." Josh says. "Ok so remember when we had that sexual confessions night? Well there's something else I didn't tell you, its not that I was keeping it from you, I just forgot to mention it and it didn't seem relevant until now." You ramble. "yeah, ok.... so what is it?" He asks sounding curious as what this has to do with Sarah. "I'm bisexual" You admit. "I'm not getting what your trying to say, So what you think she's hott or something, you wanna fuck her?" he asks sounding confused. "No, I already have." You admit.

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