Chapter Two

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You wake the next morning feeling sore but well fucked. It seems everyone else is still asleep so you decide your going to go take a shower and get ready for practice before everyone is awake and fighting over it. You swing your legs out of your bunk to stand up but your thigh muscles burn and your legs won't cooperate. You haven't rode dick that hard and long in quite some time, now that you think about it, it was probably over 10 years ago on that first tour, at Brendon's request of course, that was always his favorite. Its not like you haven't gotten laid in the years since it was just never as good or intense as the sex on tour, and you certainly never had a problem walking the next day. You try again to lift yourself from the bunk, you stumble and your legs wobble looking like a new born deer learning to walk for the first time. You hear a muffled laugh coming from behind you you turn to look and see Josh peeking out of his bunk with a smirk on his face. "This is your fault" you mouth flirtatiously but softly as not to wake anyone. "Me?" he asks pointing to himself then shaking his head No and pointing a finger of blame at Brendon who is still sleeping. "You too!" you mouth back. Yeah your thighs hurting was Brendon's fault, but Josh was to blame for what already felt like bruises on either side of your pussy, from where his knuckles were ramming into you, while you sucked Brendon off. You finally regain your footing and make you way to the tiny bathroom. First thing you notice when you look in the mirror is the two deep purple bite marks on your neck. All you can think is thank god makeup has come a long way in 10 plus years and you can probably just take care of these yourself with your own makeup now, and avoid being called the tour whore again, plus with Ryan gone what would they think now? 

 Practice goes well your learning the new routine quickly, but you guys are bringing back the But It's Better If You Routine and Brendon keeps tying to grind up against you during practice like you owe him something. It's not that sex with Brendon wasn't amazing last night, because it was, it always is, the boy is blessed and talented, it's just that you find this "new" arrogant, entitled  Brendon to be somewhat of a turn off, his humbleness is what attracted you to him when you first met, but its long gone now. Maybe that's why you've been finding yourself thinking more about Josh since last night then Brendon. It helps that you can feel Josh watching your every move at practice. When practice is over Josh walks up behind you putting his hands on your shoulders and whispers "you did great, looks like your legs are feeling better" you turn to look at him, a smirk appearing on his lips. You smile back and give him a playful shove. "Who hungry?" Brendon asks "let's go grab lunch"

At the restaurant you sit against the window in the large booth and Josh sits across from you, soon you guys are engaged in small talk in your own world where only the two of you exist, you hear the chatter of the others around you but can only hear Josh's words clearly. Your trance is broken when out of the corner of your eye you notice Dan opening and closing his hand, his other hand holding onto his wrist, his face wincing. "Shit Dan what's wrong." you say . "Not sure it started bothering me at practice, I didn't think anything of it, its happens sometimes, ya know? but now it's killing me." he says "you better go get checked out." Brendon barks, "tours starting in a few days" he says not sounding at all concerned about Dan. "Fine I'll go to the walkin after lunch and see what they say" says Dan "No you're gonna go right now" Brendon demands. "Whatever." Says Dan as he gets up to leave. You guys are at the restaurant for a few hours eating, drinking, and discussing how practice went, what needs improvements, and what still needs to be done before tour kick off. Suddenly you see Dan walk back in the restaurant, his wrist in a brace. "What the fuck Dan!" Brendon exclaims making everyone at the table uneasy over his lack of empathy. "Dude I'm sorry", Dan says "they said I cant play for at least two weeks I damaged a tendon."   "well that's impossible, tour starts in 3 days, looks like you're gonna have to suck it up" Brendon says. God he's such an asshole sometimes you think to yourself, the Brendon you used to know would have never said that he would have thought of a solution. Just then Josh speaks up "Brendon, I'm sorry but as a drummer I can tell you the dr. is right he needs to let that heal or it can cause permanent damage" "yeah I get that, but what the fuck am I supposed to do without a drummer" Brendon  barks. "I'll do it" Josh says, I'll take over until Dan's healed" This, This is why you are falling for him.

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