Chapter Thirteen

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          The rain pelts hard the last night of tour as everyone loads the equipment back into the tour bus. You wait behind the roadies to pack your camera equipment last so as not to get crushed by the bigger gear, getting soaked in the meantime, Josh standing behind you. They finally finish, rushing back on to the tour bus as the rain picks up. "Babe go on the bus I got this. You're gonna get all wet." You shout over the deafening sound of the rain pounding the tour bus, as you finish up, closing the storage compartment door. "No you are!" he barks, slamming his hips into you pinning you against the tour bus, grinding into you, his mouth finding your neck, as the rain soaks through the few dry spots left on your clothes. Josh reaches down under your long tunic shirt rubbing you over your leggings. He bends down gripping your leggings on each side of seam, pulling at them with  his muscles flexed and lips pursed tight, the crotch rips open allowing him access to you. He slips two fingers into you, plunging them in and out of you, as he stands upright to mouth your neck, the heavy rain drowning out your moans. You arch your head back as Josh sucks at your neck. Suddenly you get a feeling that your being watched, you look up to see Tyler watching from the window, biting his lip, the movement in his shoulder a dead give away of what he's doing while he watches, turning you on even more. "Fuck me." You whine. Still eyeing Tyler. Josh pulls his fingers out of you, lifts you up and, replaces them with his length, you wrap your legs around his body as he thursts into you . "Uhhh Fuck baby" you moan, throwing your head back,exaggerating your movements and facial expressions to help Tyler along.  Josh breaks suction on your neck, moving his mouth to yours, your eyes leave Tyler's, locking with Josh's as he kisses you deeply, the passion behind them simultaneously melting you and stirring your desire.  Fuck Tyler, he's on his own now. Josh presses his forehead to yours keeping his eyes locked on yours, your mouths exchanging, breaths, kisses, and moans until you both come, the sharp pelting rain increasing your pleasure. Josh slowly lets you down your back sliding down the cold wet tour bus, before your feet find the pavement. "I love you, ya know." his voice sounding so final, like that may be the last chance he ever has to tell  you. "I love you too baby, don't worry  will make the long distance thing work I swear, Look at Bren and Sarah they're still together since that last night of Panic!'s tour." You say meaning every word, if anyone can survive a long distance relationship its the two of you. He smiles giving you a quick kiss before you guys head back on the bus. 

        Back on the bus Josh heads back to the lounge to get changed out of his wet clothes while you stop to grab towels from the bathroom, passing Tyler on your way back. "Fucking tease." Tyler growls biting his lip. You laugh heading back to the lounge throwing Josh a towel.  He rubs the towel over his colorful hair and runs it quickly over his chest before throwing a dry shirt on. "Tyler's right, You really do suck at drying off."  You joke making Josh crack a smile, but you can tell he's still worried about what the future holds. The two of you slip under the bedsheets, you cuddle up close, your head on his chest, interlocking  your hand with his, his other holding his phone clearly distracted. You wish he would put it down but something about his face tells you it's important and before you know it you've fallen asleep, its now morning and you have arrived at the airport. 

          "Hey babe, I'm sorry you mind if I run to the bathroom real quick I should of gone while we were on the bus but I was half asleep." You ask. "Yeah sure no problem I'm gonna go print out our tickets I'll meet you back here." Josh replies. You wait outside the bathroom for Josh when you're finished, he returns shortly, tickets in hand. "Okay so your flight was cancelled but no worries I was able to get you a new flight" he says with a smirk, handing you your ticket. "Josh this ticket is to LA?" You say slightly confused. "I know" he says. "Move in with me." You stare at him at a loss for words. "So what do you say?" Josh says impatently. "Yes!" You exclaim, cupping his face kissing him softly.

         It felt good to have sex in an actual bed that night, hell it felt good to sleep in an actual bed that night, it's the best sleep you've had in months. 

        "Mornin' babe." Josh says rolling over wrapping his arm around you, placing soft kisses on your neck in the morning.  You roll to face him, bringing your hand around the back of his head playing with his watermelon pink hair. "Mornin' love" You smile, kissing him sweetly "Can I just tell you how amazing it feels to be here with you like this, in a real bed, not traveling, no plans, with you all to myself, not sneaking around, not trying to be quiet, you know not doing the whole tour whore thing." you laugh. "You're not a tour whore babe... You're MY whore...and sometimes I just let my best friend fuck you." 

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