Chapter Three

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With only 3 days left until the start of tour, Josh doesn't waste any time learning the new songs and heads straight to the practice studio after lunch. You lie to the guys saying you have to a few errands to run and you'll catch up with them back at the tour bus later, instead you sneak into the practice studio to watch Josh. With every hit of the drum and flex of his muscles on his shirtless body your desire brews in your pelvis, and you feel yourself getting wet just watching him. When he finally stops drumming you stand up and clap. He quickly jerks his head up surprised to see you there. He grabs a rag wiping the sweat from his forehead and walks over to you. "What you are you doing here?" he asks out of breath and dripping in sweat. God he looks so good. "I wanted to watch you practice like you watched me earlier" you say flirtatiously , "Oh so you noticed" he says with a smirk, taking a step forward, closing the gap between you. You can't resist touching him any longer and bring your hands to his chest, slick with sweat, but before you can make your next move he pushes you up against the wall, his mouth is crashing into yours his tongue begging for entrance against your lips, you open your mouth allowing him in and deepening the kiss. His hands find his way up your thigh, under your skirt and into your panties as he moves the kisses from your mouth to your neck. "Fuck you're so wet!" he moans  against your neck. "Still all hot and bothered from your little lapdance with Brendon?" he teases, sliding two fingers into you. You let out a gasp at the feeling of his fingers inside of you. "Bothered yes, hot no, this pussy is wet from watching you" you manage to say in between moans and trying to catch your breath. "oh really? why don't you tell me about how I made you this wet" he says seductively, dragging his teeth over his bottom lip, and pumping his fingers deeper inside you.  "I-I-uhhh fuck Josh right there, I -I- uhh- was just thinking about how -mmhmmmmh- I -I -wished it was me you were banging instead of those drums" you barely managed to get out. "mmmhm fuck" he moans. With his fingers still inside you he uses his free hand to pull his erection out of his basketball shorts. You reach down to stoke him but instead he removes his fingers from you, grabs your ass and lifts  you up, pining you against the wall with his body. You wrap your legs around him for support. He pushes your panties to the side and thrusts into you. "God you feel so good" he moans into your mouth, thrusting into you again and again.   "uhh fuck me Josh" you whine, he picks up the pace fucking you harder, his mouth alternating between yours and your neck. You're so close but you can tell he is too, his thrusts becoming shorter but faster, his breathing quickening. "I'm gonna come" he says pulling out of you. Quickly you unwrap your legs from his body and drop down to your knees in front of him, taking him into your mouth, a squirt of come lands of your lips before he's fully inside your mouth, you swallow the rest  down tasting him and yourself all at once. You stand up lick the come off your lips and start fixing yourself thinking you guys are done, you didn't get off but its not a big deal you don't always, plus the sex itself was amazing anyways . "What are you doing? I'm not done with you yet" he says quickly pulling his basketball shorts back up and lifting you up and carrying you to Brendon's piano, sitting you on the edge and laying you down. Somehow you dont think Brendon would appreciate this but you don't really care. He quickly removes your panties, and spreads your legs, one hand on each side of your thighs, and begins lapping at your clit, his nose ring tickling your outer lips. "Josh, Fuck Oh My God" you manage, "mmmh you like that?" he asks now slipping his fingers into you, curling them inside of you hitting your G-spot with every thrust. He places his free hand just above your pussy using his thumb to gently push back the hood of your clit exposing the most sensitive part and begins tight concentrated movements with his tongue. "oh shit I'm gonna come " you moan, your eyes closed tight legs shaking violently as the best orgasm of your life rips through you, making you so thankful the practice studio room is sound proof as sounds you've never heard yourself make escape you. "Fuck that's so hott, you squirted" you hear him say sounding surprised. "Seriously?" you ask propping  yourself up on your elbows. His mouth and chin are wet and glistening, wetness running between his fingers and down his arm. "oh my God I've never done that before" you confess, while putting your panties back on, the others are probably wondering where the hell the two of you are by now. Just as Josh wipes his hands and arm with the rag from earlier, you hear the practice room door open. Thank god both of you are decent now. You both turn and look, its Brendon he's holding Josh's phone "hey you left this on the bus it kept going off, i saw it was Tyler so I answered it I hope you don't mind" he says "I told him about how you were filling in for Dan for us he seemed excited about it so I invited him to join us. When we get to Ohio which is one of our first stops, he's gonna come, he's bringing your tour bus since our is getting full we're out of bunks now" he says now looking at us suspiciously, "what are you doing in here anyways?" he says "uhhh I was practicing" Josh says "remember?" . But you know the question was really meant for you.

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