Chapter Ten

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           "What!?" Josh says, choking on the beer he was still nursing from the party, he never was a big drinker. "When?, How? , You know her?, What!?" He rambles nonsensically, taking a seat on the couch in the hotel room. "Yes I know her we were roomates in college." You say, leaving it at that, and taking a seat across from him on the edge of the bed. "Okayyyyy.... and how did you two end up fucking, your story is missing information babe, start talking!" He says getting flustered. "I don't know, we were roommates and we always kind of had this weird sexual tension between us but neither one of us really knew if the other was straight, gay, bi or what, and were scared to make a move. But one night Sarah invited me to go out to a club with her, so I went. When we pulled up I noticed it was a gay club, so I was pretty sure she was at least bi, but I realized that she probably still didn't know where I stood, so I was either gonna have to bring it up in an awkward conversation, or make a move. We had a few drinks, a few too many probably, and at one point we were out on the dance floor dancing and the DJ started playing Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl, and I kissed her, and she kissed me back and one thing led to another."  You say. "More babe" he says begging. "What led to what? I want details." he says dragging his teeth over his bottom lip, and palming himself through his shorts. "Josh, are you getting off on this?" You ask with a smile. "Maybe, just keep talking" he says rubbing himself harder through his shorts, the shape of his hard on clearly visible through the fabric. "Seriously?"  you ask, slightly unsure if you should be digging up the past in such a way. "Babe you wanna see me and Tyler fuck right? Well I wanna hear about you and Sarah. Do this for me and I'll make sure it happens when your on tour with us. "He says, pulling himself free from his shorts, running his hand over the head and down his length, stroking himself. He doesn't have to ask again you'll give any amount of details he wants to see that. "Fine do you wanna hear about what she did to me or what I did to her? You ask teasingly. "mmmhm Fuck, what you did to her? he whines. Suddenly you become the fucking Morgan Freeman of narration, telling the story of that night in full detail. "Well after the kiss we made our way to the bathroom, anxiously waiting for the few girls that were in there to get the fuck out, when they did, we locked the door. I suppose we could have just went in to a stall, or waited until we got back to back to our dorm room,  but I needed to taste her there and now before the moment passed..." you pause as Josh groans, stroking himself faster. "and that tiny confined stall wasn't gonna cut it. We stood kissing in front of the tiny counter with the small sink and dirty mirror, her back to the mirror, ass pressed up against the edge of the counter. I slid my hands up her thighs and under her skirt, rubbing her through her panties until her wetness soaked through...." you continue. "mmmmhmmm Fuck Babe you don't know what this is doing to me, keep talking." Josh says, head back, pumping himself with one hand while the other grasps at the edge of the couch cushions. "...and then my fingers found  the straps of her panties, I hooked my fingers around them, pulling them down and helped her step out of those red lace panties. She lifted her self up with her hands onto the counter and pulled her shirt off over her head. Red lace bra too. And you know what they say about when a girls bra and panties match, right? Josh?"  You ask. "No baby what? tell me" He moans. "If her bra and panties match when you take off her clothes it wasn't you who decided to have sex." You tell him. "Mmmhmmm Damn babe she wanted you, that's so hott!" he moans out. "Yes she did, so I slipped two fingers into her with one hand and bunched her skirt up around her waist with the other and started placing wet kisses on her inner thighs, while she moaned my name, begging me to lick her....." you stop teasing Josh. "Tell me you licked her, baby, tell me" he begs. "I did, baby, I swirled my tongue around her clit teasing her while I pumped my fingers inside of her, she pulled my head into her begging for more contact , so I began quickly flicking my tongue over her clit until I felt her legs shake and I knew she had come." You finish. "Get over here!" He demands. You oblige standing up from the edge of the bed and making your way over to Josh. He quickly grabs you sliding his hand into your pants. "Babe, wait, stop!" you say. "You know I don't know what stop means baby." He teases, playing with the lace trim of your panties, before beginning  to slide his hand in. "No I mean it stop, HOPE!" You exclaim. He stops, pulling back his hand. "What is it baby? What's wrong" He asks, sounding concerned. "I started my period this morning." You admit. "I just realized all these months we've been fucking almost daily and this is the first time you've got your period?" he asks sounding confused. "Yeah it's because of my birth control it comes when it feels like it." you say.  "Well that doesn't mean we can't have sex, I don't even care, its just blood." He says, shocking you. "Josh, you can't be serious, have you ever had sex with a girl on her period before?" You ask, now curious because of how nonchalant about it he seems. "Well No, but I love you, and it's our last night together for at least four months, and besides weren't you the one who wanted to try new kinky things? He asks seductively, awakening your desire. "Fine, but in the shower." You say, quickly making your way to the shower giving you a chance to freshen up before Josh meets you in there. "You sure you wanna do this? You ask. "I'm sure." he says kissing your neck. Then your breasts, down your stomach, tonguing your navel. You're sure he'll stop and start kissing back up your body again but he keeps going lower. "Josh, Don't." You warn. He pauses, his hair wet, water dripping down his face, a look of defiance in his eyes, as he keeps them locked on yours, placing a long, slow lick between your legs, a red steak forming down the center of his tongue. "Oh God, Fuck Josh." You moan out, You can't believe how immensely turned on you are, how much more sensitive it feels then usual, you were not expecting to enjoy this so much. He allows himself to lick you a little longer before kissing back up your body. He pins you against the shower wall and slides into you. "Oh fuck, baby, you feel so good.... uhhhhh" you whine, crashing your mouth into his, a metallic taste still lingering on his lips. He fucks you against the wall until you both come hard. I can't believe I just did that and that I actually enjoyed it. You think to yourself as you watch the blood tinged water circle the drain. 

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