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It's Saturday. The past week has whizzed by somehow magically and here I am wondering what the hell to slow weekdays. Concert night is today and I have these weird jiggly feelings stuck inside my stomach. It's not an excited feeling exactly, but you know what I mean, right? It's like the feeling of wanting to throw up, but you can't and you can't stop slapping your face every time you feel yourself grin.

It was quite a busy morning. Breakfast rush and all, and guess what? I went sight seeing with Athena and Cole. It's kind of sad that I had to be third wheeling again, but I had some people come up to me and ask for photos and signatures. So that was a win win situation.

Now that the morning's over, I am preparing for the concert tonight. Well, not exactly tonight too, it's in a couple of hours and I don't have a clue as to where the venue really is. I asked the girls that are coming along with me to meet me in front of the hotel so they can show me the way around.

I look at the clock on my phone and decide that it's time to hop down the stairs and down to the lobby. Slipping my feet into some runners, I lock the hotel doors and run down the hotel emergency stairs. I'd imagine you guys being like "why isn't she using the elevator?". Well, it's because I have this huge phobia on lifts and elevators, I have no chance against them.

When I get down to the ground level, I see two familiar looking girls waiting in front of the lobby.


Yep, I decided to get her to come along with me. I don't know why, I just feel especially close to her.


"Hey, how are you two?" I ask out of excitement now.

"Amazing!" the other girl - Ida - answers.

"So, about that concert...." I say, and I grin wide as I see their faces light up.

"Let's go!"

We walk away from the hotel arm in arm.

But not as far as two hundred metres - again - my excuse of a sister calls me.

"Sera! Where are you going? I just saw you get out of the hotel, go back right now!" the monster demands. I roll my eyes and push the phone away from my ear. This is one of the moments where I just want to sigh and end the phone call almost dramatically - like that episode where Peppa Pig ended her call with Suzie Sheep because Peppa couldn't whistle and Suzie can.

"Who is it?" Jenna asks.

"My sister," I answer, "do you want to have a go at arguing with her? She can understand Norwegian."

"Are you sure?" she asks, "she doesn't seem so sure about you going out right now.."

"It's probably because I have to fly to Sweden at midnight," I explain. Ida and Jenna nods in understanding.

"Just have a go at having a word with her," I continue, "Ida and I will be waiting here."

Jenna nods and takes the phone from my hand. She then talks into the phone and nods quite a few times as she talk.

In a few minutes, the conversation ends and Jenna gives me back the phone.

"She said you could go," Jenna says. Ida and I give an exhale of relief.

"But on one condition," she continues.

"Oh God," I say, burying my face into my hands.

"You have to be able to make it to Sweden by tomorrow morning," Jenna ends.

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