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I wake up with light shining in my face. I shield my face with my arms and slowly open my eyes.

In front of me is Martinus with the flashlight of his phone directed at me.

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" he yells into my ear and I block them with my hands.

I groan.

Mondays make me feel nauseous, it reminds me of school. And it also means that I only have three more days until I leave Sweden and head to Finland. It's not that I wouldn't like to go to Finland - hell I would do anything to get there - but you know, I wouldn't be there with the boys. Something else breaks away from me, it would mean only a week left of the Scandinavia and I will have to go back to Australia.

But hey, I love home. That's where I grew up, where I live, where all my best friends live, where I started as a small girl doing nonsense in her indoor dance studio. I can't let it go.

Is it possible for me to make a whole new country with a bit of Australia and a bit of the Scandinavia?

After that long thought, I shuffle to the bathroom to wash my face. I do my normal wash-my-face and brush-my-teeth routine. Then breakfast, because you know, breakfast is everything! The most important meal of the day.

I actually don't know what I am doing today, except for the fact I have an interview with this Swedish tv channel later in the evening. I can't even remember the name.

The day is shining bright today, the sun is out and the clouds are soft and thin. It's a bike-ride kind of morning, this should be fun.

"Martinus! Marcus!" I call. Somehow, after what happened last night, I don't feel any awkwardness when I call Marcus' name. Because, normally, it'd get awkward, you know but I don't hesitate on saying it, I don't get nervous, I don't get self-conscious, nothing! There must be something wrong with me, I swear!

To tell the truth, nothing electric happened. It wasn't a toe-curling, lip tingling, body shocking, hands shaking type. I strangely felt nothing, I have a feeling Marcus felt the same way. I'm not saying that Marcus is a bad kisser or whatever, we just didn't have that chemistry?

I walk out of the bathroom with millions of thoughts buzzing up inside my small head. My head feels like it's about to burst into a million pieces when I think about one of these thoughts.

Surprisingly enough, the boys take longer than me to get ready to go out. I'm pretty sure I had told them that we'd be going bike riding. Or was it just me?

"Didn't I tell you about the bike ride?" I ask, watching as the two struggle with their hair.

"You didn't say it until now," Martinus tells me. Oops.

"My bad," I laugh, "we're going on a bike ride, or whatever that's fun around here."

"Sounds good," Marcus shrugs, finally getting his bun right. He turns around and looks at me funnily.


"Nothing," he smirks to himself. Out of the corner of my eye, I swear I can see Martinus clenching his fist.

But sometimes seeing something out of the corner of your eye is not always what you thought you saw, right?



"I want to talk about last night," I say, plucking up the courage to say that.

We are in a deserted street somewhere in the middle of Stockholm. The sun is right above us and seagulls fly back and forth. Martinus had gone to get us ice-cream from the parlour, so I take the chance to talk to Marcus about something that had bugged my mind since this morning.

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