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It's way past mid day and I haven't heard of anything from Marcus or Martinus. They went out early in the morning today, with their new clothes on mumbling something about having a walk or something or other.

Being the very nice friend I am, I started to worry. I mean, what if a giant sea-monster swallowed them in one gulp!?  There's obviously something going on that I don't know of, I'm going to find out.

I ring Athena up, asking her if she knows where the boys went. But she said that she doesn't know and tells me to just ring them up.

Pfft, how am I supposed to do that when I don't have their numbers?

I laugh to and entertain myself by going on my phone, because, who doesn't go on their phone for some entertaining?

A random number pops in my messages inbox as I was scrolling through my Instagram feed.

Who was this?

I hesitate on clicking on the message, but I do it anyways.

'Serafina, meet us by the docks in front of the pizza place at sunset. Wear something nice and white.'

It doesn't say who it's from, and it's kind of creeping me out. Okay, it's really creeping me out.

How did the person know I ate at a pizza place? I mean, there must be more than one pizzeria in Stockholm, am I right? What's more, how did this person get my number?

But does this mean that this person is going to get me pizza? 'Cause hey, who in this freaking world would say no to God's gift to mankind? This is so stupid. I might get killed after this, but it's pizza...

So, something nice, huh? Do I even have clothes considered as 'something nice and white'? I rummage through the wardrobe in the hotel room. Ergh, no.

I glance at the clock, four-thirty and I haven't done any make-up and find anything 'nice'. Would Atha have any?

I make my way to Atha's room and knock the door. Soon after, Athena opens the door, her eyes red and dark circles under it.

"Are you okay?" I ask her, "you don't look good."

"I'm fine," Athena yawns, "what brings you here?"

I scratch my head, "uh, do you have any nice white clothing?"

"What in the world would you need that for?" Athena asks, pulling me into the room.

"Some stuff I'm doing," I shrug, deciding not to tell her about the creepy text that somehow found my number.

"Alright," Athena throws open her wardrobe. She throws me a white yoke bodice dress. I stifle a laugh as I hold it up in front of me.

"Will this even fit?" I burst into laughter.

"I purposely bought it your size," Athena says as she comes out of the wardrobe, grinning.

"And what do you know, we have matching dresses," she shows me her dress enthusiastically.

"Alright, alright!"

Athena hangs her dress back up and skips over to her phone which was left on charge in the corner desk.

"Anything else you need?" she asks.

I look around the room and pick up something from the bathroom.

"I'm bringing this with me," I lift up her curling iron for her to see.

"Take it," she waves her hand.

I happily skip back to my room and change into the dress. After deciding that I look amazing, I look outside to find the sun already setting.

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