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"It turns out they weren't lying when they called this one , 'magic' ." 


The line to the recruitment office was long. The warriors were waiting for the chance to have the glory.  The next in line was a young Rustler, named Rayul. 

"Next," a young ranger called and they came in. 

"Hello," a  obvious rookie said as she looked at Rayul." 

"I am a magic user and I need to be apart of this mission or else you guys will fail," Rayul said with utmost certainty.

"You're serious, " he said with a bland face.

"Fine , ," Rayul said with such passion and fury in his voice it actually scared the rookie, You want proof here is proof." He showed the rookie a small ball of bright flame in his hand. 

"Fine, your in," the rookie said with a panic," Just don't hurt me!" 

Rayul smiled and entered the special mission ops. Nobody believed him when he said he was a magic user until he saved the day. 

The leading officer, Tally  was impressed, "It turns out they weren't lying when they called this one , 'magic' ."


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