Chapter 1

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"I want a hunter on our team," announced Zen as he and his aides stood at the balcony.
His group gaped at him in surprise.
"A hunter?" wondered Mitsuhide. "What for?"
"Well I have two swordsmen and an ex-assassin! A hunter would be nice!" Zen exclaimed matter-of-factly.
Mitsuhide sighed and shook his head. He can't argue with his highness once he made up his mind.
"Where are you going to find a hunter, Master?" asked Obi. "You know I'm considered one, sort of."

"I don't think he's referring to someone like you," mumbled Kiki quietly. She eyed Zen, knowing who exactly he was talking about. "Are you sure about this?"
Zen grinned.

You stood 50 yards from your target, gripping your bow and pulling back your sharpened arrow. Inhaling and then slowly exhaling, you steadied your aim and released. Within seconds, the arrow penetrated the bullseye. You smiled to yourself.
"I still got it."

"BRAVO!!!" You suddenly hear along with applaud.

You turned around to find his highness Zen and his aides watching you from above. You furrowed your eyebrows at the second prince. He may be his highness, but he is still your childhood friend.
"What do you want, Zen?" You called out.
"Come here! I want to speak to you!"

Sighing, you ran up dozens of stairs to reach where Zen was. As you arrived, you noticed Mitsuhide and Kiki in their normal uniforms and another young man with dark hair, cat-like eyes, and dark clothing. He looked somewhat suspicious, but his smile eased your worry. You then turned to Zen.

"Yes, your highness?" You ask more politely after getting a glimpse of Kiki's warning glare.
"How is archery coming along, (Y/N)?" Zen asked.
"Fine, I suppose."
"I'll just get to the point. I want you to become one of my aides!"
"Huh? An aide?"
You glanced at Kiki who rolled her eyes and then at Mitsuhide who shrugged his shoulders.

"What for, Zen? You already have two of the best swordsmen and I hear you included a former assassin on your team?" You say, eyeing Obi to the side. "How many more guards do you need?"
"Just one. You," Zen smiled. "Besides, it's not even. What if Obi here needs a partner?"
Obi stared at Zen in shock.
"But Master, I don't need-"
Zen raised his hand to quiet him, his eyes still staring intently at you. You gazed at him in thought. It's not like you were really doing anything important at the castle and maybe taking on the job will get your father off your back.

"You'll have to ask my father," You finally reply after much thought.
"Challenge accepted," Zen smirked. "I'll summon him now."
"Wait, I-"
"See you later, (Y/N)!" he called out as he and his team walked away.

Two hours later...

"You want my daughter for what?" Your father asked, amused.
"Well I realized I need a marksman on my team and (y/n) is the best in this castle," Zen explained.

Your father looked at him in thought. His face a bit concerned. He suddenly beckoned for the doors to open and you walked into the room in clothes emphasizing your nobility.

Zen chuckled at the sight of you, knowing how uncomfortable you felt in a dress. Hearing his chuckle, you glared at him and then turned to your father.
"You called, Father?"
"Yes. Prince Zen wants you to become a part of his team as a marksman. What do you think?"

"Whatever you think is best, Father."
After much thought, your father sighed.
"I cannot refuse a request from the prince. My daughter is yours, but please take care of her as well."
"I will, sir. Thank you," bowed Zen and then smiled at you. "Come with us."
You followed him out of the room and down the corridors.
"That's new of you to let your father make your decisions for you," laughed Zen, once you were all out of earshot.

"I figured he would question me less if I let him decide for me," You answered. "What exactly do you need me for anyways?"
"For now, I want you to work with Obi."

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