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Okay so this part is not related to the story or plot or what so ever its just an idea that randomly popped in my mind.

"Obi----Obi are you ready we have to go and get some grocerries the fridge is empty" I called out to my cat-eyed boyfriend.

"Yeah, yeah lets go" he noncholantly replied. I just rolled my eyes at him grabbed my keys and went out of the apartment after locking the door.

"So what do you need??"
"Everything,you do know we eat like pigs, right?" with that we started walking in a comfrtable silence hand in hand.

Reaching the nearest store he went and grabbed a shopping cart and so did our shopping start. With a meschiveious smile I asked him "Hey Obi, you remember my PUN notebook" making sure to make the word pun sound loud and clear

"(Y/N) please not here. You know your puns are perverted" he muttered the last part but I heard it "No promises" is all I replied with.

"Hey Obi"
"All these towels and you still make me wet" but he didnt react he just kept his poker face turned around and pushed the cart towards the next aisle.

There were all sorts of nuts there and I went at it I mean what could he do "All these nuts and I still can't get yours" I said while pointing at his pants with my eyes and wiggling my eye brows, no reaction but I wasnt giving up.

"All this sour cream and salsa and you still never dip me" by now he was starting to loose it and was trying to cover his laugh by coughing.

"All this cat food and you dont feed my pussy" now, he was laughing and went towards the rack and picked out a bottle of alchol

"All this alcohol and all you do is wine" is all he replied with. I made a shocked face this meant war.

I went and grabbed a mop  and started to wip the floor with it "All these mops and you still wipe the floor with me"

Obi got some fairy lights and wrapped them like a scarp around his neck"All these fairy lights and im still not your tinkerbell" he said while hugging his body.

As we palyed around our cart was still getting filled with food and stuff. I saw  the freezers and grabbed a strawberry flavored ice cream and showed it to him while dramitacally putting my hand on my forehead "All this ice cream and you still couldn't melt my heart"

Not liking the flavor of ice cream he went and grabbed some chocolate flavored and doing the same pose as me "All this choclate and you still couldn't love me"

By now we were getting the attention of few employes and I bet I saw one go and get the manager and I knew we were gonna get kicked out for it so I had to do a last one so I went a grabbed a few palnts "All these plants and you still couldn't show me your jungle"

He looked around but i knew that I had won this "So giving up already now are we I guess you owe me some food" I went towards him while grinning at him

"Yeah, sure no need to rub it in my face" he faced away and pouted "Hey it's okay i might share it with you.........or maybe not" I kissed him on the cheek and ran away.

"Man.... I love him so much" I didn't know I said it out loud and the people were looking at as if I had grown two heads but whateves dont really care

I know it's not good but oh well enjoy.

Snow White with red hair - Guarded Love Obi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now