Chapter 5

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"Onee-chan?!" the group exclaimed in surprise, with the exception of Kiki.

You rubbed the back of your head and chuckled.
"Ryuu you didn't tell us," Shirayuki asks the younger boy.
"It never came up," Ryuu muttered.

"You're still so expressionless, Ryuu," laughed Obi, patting the boy on the head. "How come you didn't mention anything, (Y/N)?"
"It didn't come up," you repeated, causing everyone to sweatdrop.
"What?" You and Ryuu ask at the same time.
"You two really are siblings," chuckled Mitsuhide.
"How come I never knew about this...?" Zen gaped, dumbfounded. "I've known you since you were little! And Ryuu too!"

You and Ryuu looked at each and shrugged.
"It never came up," you both replied in unison.
Zen sighed.
"Whatever. I've had enough surprises tonight. Are you sure you're alright (Y/N)?"
"Oh.. Uh yes. I think so," you reply, slightly smiling.
"Alright. Then I'll escort Shirayuki back to her room," says Zen, placing his hand on Shirayuki's back.

"We'll come with," says Mitsuhide as he and Kiki began to follow.
"I guess I'll head back to my room then. I don't think Shirayuki needs so many escorts," you tell them.
"I'll take Master Ryuu back," Shuuto informed, staring at you intently before he and Ryuu disappeared down the hall.
"Goodnight!" You called out to the group as you went your separate ways.

Obi turned back every few seconds as he watched you walk back alone. You turned the corner away from his view and he let out a small sigh. Zen and Mitsuhide glanced at him.
"What's up Obi?"
"Nothing Master," smiled Obi, looking back once more.
Zen chuckled.
"You can walk her back to her room if you're so concerned."
Obi's eyes lit up and the rest of the group smiled.
"It seems Obi has grown fond of (Y/N)-san," giggled Shirayuki.

"She's my partner, Mistress. Like Mister and Miss here, I feel like I should watch out for (Y/N) too," Obi informed, glancing towards your direction once more.

"And I thought you said you didn't need a partner," smirked Zen teasingly.
Obi slightly blushed, catching the others by surprise.
"Just go, Obi," says Zen, trying to hold back laughter. "Take care of her."
"Yes Master!"

As Obi ran off towards you, Zen let out his laugh and Mitsuhide sighed.
"He doesn't know how he feels yet huh?"

You were sitting on the edge of the castle walls staring at the moon when you heard footsteps approaching you. You reached for a knife just in case, but then remembered that you didn't bring any with you. To your relief, you noticed a glimpse of jet black hair as Obi turned the corner.

"Obi?" You wondered as he reached you. "What's up? I thought you were escorting Shirayuki to her room?"
Obi gazed at you. Your (E/C) eyes were glowing from the moonlight and it seemed like tears were developing in your eyes. He inched closer to you until you can feel his own breath and he reached up to wipe your eyes.
"Why are you crying?" Obi asked quietly.

"Ah! Was I? I didn't notice.." You laugh it off turning your head away from him. "I was just thinking about things I guess."
"What kind of things?"
"Personal things."
You gazed at the moon longer and smiled slightly, remembering the times you had with your mother when you were little. The wind blew causing your loose hair to fly to the side and your body to shiver. Before you could say anything, you felt warm cloth wrap around your body.

"Cold?" Obi asked, smiling at you.
You blushed as you wrapped his coat tighter around you. The scent on his coat smelled very nice and comforting.
"Thank you..." You whispered as you jumped back into the hallway. "I suppose I should get back to my room."

"I'll walk you," he offered, walking near you.
The walk back to your room was quiet, yet comforting. You really liked having Obi by your side. In a way, you felt safe. You opened the door to your room and entered  the dark-lit space.

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