Chapter 13

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You knocked on Obi's door bright and early like Mitsuhide had asked you to do. You yawned as you waited for a response.
"Obi?" You called out. "Are you awake?"
You heard shuffling on the other side. The door opened, revealing a half naked Obi. You turned bright red as he looked at you sleepily.

"Mitsuhide said to wake you up," you tell him, trying to look away, but failing.
Obi blinked at you and realized he was just in his boxers.
"I-It's okay!" You say, waving your hand, still trying to look away, but couldn't help examine his muscular body. "I-I was just leaving..."
Obi let out a scoff as he watched you go back upstairs. He then closed the door to his room and laid back down on his bed. His heart was beating fast and he couldn't understand it. Then again, maybe he knew why, but couldn't admit it. Obi chuckled, remembering your face as you saw him and how your eyes wandered over his body.
"She was checking me out," he grinned. (I mean who wouldnt check out that as//-slapped//)

After getting dressed, he looked around the East Wing to find no one there. Just in case, he climbed up the stairs to your room to see if you were still there.
"(Y/N)?" He called out, knocking on your door.
He pressed his ear against the door, but heard nothing. You must be out already. Suddenly, he heard a yelp and a loud thud.
"(Y/N)?!" He exclaimed, opening the door.

"O-Obi!" You cried, covering yourself up.
You were facing the door, still trying to clasp your bra on while Obi stood there gaping at you.
"Close the door!" You demanded, embarrassed.
"Oh, sorry!" Obi apologized, closing the door behind him.
This is the second time he's seen you half naked.
"I meant for you to leave, Obi," you sighed, but brushed him off.
"Why? I've seen you naked already."

You adjusted your bra and found a shirt to put on. But before you could, Obi strode over to you and touched your stomach. His slightly cold hands gave you chills when he made contact with your skin.
"Your body is really nice," he marveled, but then touched the scar from your poisoned wound. "I'm sorry for this."
You gaped at him. How does he have the tact to casually touch you in this situation...?
You met his gaze and he was giving you an apologetic smile. You grabbed his hand and shook your head.

"It's not your fault," you say. "I kinda like it. It's a nice battle wound."
You laughed a little, but Obi sighed.
"It's not a scar a future husband would like to see on his noble wife..."
"And since when have you been concerned with my nobility and marriage?" You chuckled. "Besides, I want to marry someone who understands what I've done and accepts me for who I am."
Obi smiled.

"I suppose you're right."
"Obi," you reached out to him, pulling his arm.
"Your scars... on your body..." You say quietly. "What happened?"
"Many things," he smiled. "They're my battle wounds."
"But the one on your chest-"
Obi patted your head.
"I'll tell you about it some other time. Better get dressed. Or Mister Mitsuhide will get mad at me if he saw me in here at this moment."
You realized you were still not dressed and immediately put your shirt on while Obi turned around. You tied up your hair as usual and put on your boots.
"Shall we go?" You ask, smiling.

Obi nodded his head, following you out the door. He watched as you swayed while walking outside. He smiled to himself. He liked your cheerfulness, but he worries that it might attract others as well. The two of you met up with the others in the garden, Shirayuki already amongst them.
"Mistress!" Obi greeted as he ran to the group.
"Good morning, Obi!  (Y/N)-san!" greeted Shirayuki.
"Morning," you nodded. "What's going on?"
"Oh we're just lazing around," says Zen. "Trying to relax."

"That's new, Master. You're usually busy at this time," pointed out Obi.
"He's hiding," sighed Mitsuhide.
"Shirayuki shall we walk?" Zen offered, ignoring Mitsuhide.

You all watched as the couple walked away separately in a good mood. Why does this feel like déjà vu?
"You woke Obi up?" Mitsuhide asked you.
"Hm? Yeah."
"She did more than wake me up, Mister," chuckled Obi.
"What's that supposed to mean?" gaped the older man.
"Naughty things?" Kiki asked.
"Kiki!!" You exclaimed in shock.
Obi laughed.
"Miss Kiki can be funny."
"I was serious."
"We did nothing of the sort!" You cried.

Several more minutes passed and you watched Obi's eyes follow the couple around the garden.
"Do you want to join them?" You ask.
"Not really," he replied. "Just looking out."
"So what happened during that adventure of yours?" Mitsuhide wondered.
"You're talking again," pointed out Kiki.
You and Obi looked at each other and both turned red, your face brighter than his.
"Oh?" Kiki noticed.

Mitsuhide blinked a couple times trying to register your expression.
"What did you do, Obi?!"
"What makes you think I did something, Mister?" Obi defended.
"Cuz you're shady!"
"I wouldn't take advantage of (Y/N)! I'm not that kind of man!"
"He's got a gentleman trait to him," says Kiki.
"N-Nothing happened," you tell Mitsuhide, trying to hide your blush. "Nothing... Too big anyways..."

You side glanced Obi who turned his head away, but you can see his ears had turned pink.
"Ah! That scarf. You got that from (Y/N) right?" Mitsuhide asked. "Kiki told me."
You looked at Obi and realized he was wearing the scarf you gave him. The dark haired man tugged at it and smiled.
"Yep. It was a nice present."


The four of you jolted to the sound of Shirayuki's voice.
"Zen! Shirayuki!" Mitsuhide shouted, running towards them.
"Mistress are you okay?" Obi asked worriedly.
You grabbed your bow and quickly followed after Kiki. Zen held onto Shirayuki tightly. Once again, there was an arrow shot next to their feet.
"Again?!" hissed Obi, observing the area. "(Y/N) move away."
"It's fine," you say, picking up the arrow. "This one's not poisoned."

"Y-Your highness!"
You heard someone shout from the roof.
"We're so sorry! That was an accident. We're training!"
The lot of you sweatdropped. Zen turned to you irritated.
"Your trainees need to be taught better."
"I'll get on that," you sighed. "Sorry..."
"I-It's okay. It just surprised me," says Shirayuki, relaxing.
"Well as long as everyone's alright," Mitsuhide let out a sigh of relief. "I'll give them a talking to later."

Your mind drifted away from the conversation when you heard rustling in the leaves. You weren't too sure what it was, but it can't be the soldiers this time. The sound of an arrow flying caught your attention and you spun around catching it, barely centimeters away from your face.

"(Y/N?)" Mitsuhide wondered then noticed the arrow you were holding.
You felt your body shake as you quickly let go of the arrow. You stepped back to stare at it for awhile. You nearly got shot in the head!
"There's someone here," you say, holding out your bow. "Someone shot that arrow, barely missing my head."
That caught the guards' attention. Zen and Obi hurriedly rushed Shirayuki up the stairs and Mitsuhide and Kiki followed behind. You stayed in your spot, scanning the garden, but found nothing. Quickly, you turned around and followed the others, but you felt a hand grab you from behind.
"Mmph!!" You tried to scream.

"(Y/N)!!" Obi shouted, about to rush to your side.
Before whoever held you could pull you away, you bite the hand that was covering your mouth.
"Shit! That hurt, girl!" The man cried as you stepped back several feet from him.
The man had a bandit-looking feature. He laughed at how the others were on guard by Shirayuki. You all looked at him sternly.
"What do you want?" Zen demanded.

"Sorry, but we're not after the red head," the man says.
You had your head turned away from him as you were concerned of the others.
"We want this one," he smirked, grabbing you once more.
He covered your mouth with a cloth covered with a chemical that made you faint.
"See ya!"

The bandit threw you over his shoulder and fled away rather quickly, even Obi didn't have the time to stop him.


I'm making the reader-chan get kidnapped. I'm EVIL muhhahahahhahahaha. Okay i should stop.

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