Chapter 18

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You leaned against the railings and stared out towards the East garden after changing back into your guard clothes. You were still fuming with rage because of Izana. Shuuto, who was also unhappy about the situation, leaned against a pillar as he watched you. You then heard footsteps approaching loudly in the hallway, but you were too preoccupied to care.


You turned to find Zen and the others standing before you. The Prince had a contemplating look on his face. Behind them was Haru who stood quietly by avoiding your glare.
"Are you okay?" Zen asked you worriedly.
"Fine," you mumbled then pointed at Haru. "What's he doing here?"
The young man glanced up at you but didn't utter a word.
"Well, uh.. I tried talking to Brother-"
"He's not letting it go, is he?" You sighed.

"I tried..." apologized Zen. "But listen, I have a proposal for you."
"And what's that?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Now, keep in mind, Zen thought really carefully about this," Mitsuhide tells you.
"Yeah, Master was racking his brain about it," chuckled Obi.
"Shut up, you two!" hissed Zen. "Anyways, we're heading to a city to do some investigating. Shirayuki's coming with. I figured you can tag along with Haru-"

"Hear me out!" Zen continued. "You two have to cooperate somehow, right? At least this way, since you're not comfortable, we'll be around so you two aren't alone together. What do you say?"
You furrowed your eyebrows at him, glanced at Haru, and then glanced at Shuuto.

The said man thought about it carefully and sighed.
"There's nothing you can do if you have to answer to His Majesty. Might as well take the Prince's offer," Shuuto tells you. "I can't tag along though..."
You smiled at him slightly.
"I suppose I'll be okay since I'll be with everyone..."

"Is this guy really that dangerous?" Obi whispered to Mitsuhide.
"Well, we don't know what he's planning.." Mitsuhide replied back.
"I'm right here you know," mumbled Haru. "And I'm not planning anything..."

"Obi!" Shuuto called out to your surprise.
"Yeah?" the dark-haired man glanced up.
"Watch over, Lady (Y/N)," Shuuto asked sincerely with a bow.
"Sh-Shuu..?" You gaped at him.
"I know now that he won't let anything happen to you," Shuuto tells you as he eyed Obi. "I at least trust him with your safety."

"It would be my honor," Obi suddenly replied with a bow.
You all stared at him in astonishment. What was going on?
"A-Anyways," sweatdropped Zen. "I'm going to get Shirayuki and we'll head out."
"Okay," you tell him and turned to Shuuto. "Take care of Ryuu?"
"Always," he smiled causing you to blush.
"Well, Lady (Y/N), off we go!" Obi cried out enthusiastically as he grabbed your arm.
"Eh? Wait, Obi-"
Before you could protest, Obi had already began pulling you towards the castle entrance. Mitsuhide and Kiki glanced at one another and beckoned Haru to come along to follow you two. Once you two created some distance between the others, Obi slowed down his pace and gripped your arm tightly.
"O-Ow..." You muttered, glancing at him. "What...?"
"What he did, is it true?" Obi asked in a more serious tone.

"Haru? Yeah, he stabbed me when we were little..." You whispered shakily, trying not to remember.
Obi loosened his grip but kept his hand around your wrist. You stared at him bemused.
"What is it?"
"The scar on your back, is that where it was from?"
"Y-Yes... Why are you so curious?" You wonder.
"It's just that..." Obi hesitated, finally letting you go. "When I heard about it... I felt so... Angry? I-I don't want him around you, that's all..."

You blushed and quickly glanced away from him.
"There's nothing I can do," you tell him. "I'll just have to toughen it out! I'm a strong girl after all!"
You chuckled as you turned back to him with a smile. Obi stared at you with frustration, but let out a sigh.
"I'm not your partner anymore, Obi," you reminded him.
"I know, but-"

"Hey, you guys!" Mitsuhide shouted. "Why'd you ran off so fast? Zen got Shirayuki. They're waiting for you two!"

"Coming Mister!" Obi shouted, not taking his eyes off of you. "Just call for me if you need me... I'll be there for you."
You smiled slightly as you stared at the ground.
"Yeah okay..." You whispered. "C'mon they're waiting for us."
The two of you finally met up with the others who were already on horses.
"Eh? Mistress is riding with Master?" Obi wondered out loud.

Shirayuki and Zen blushed.
"Shut up Obi," Zen mumbled. "I finally get to ride with Shirayuki, so don't make it a big deal..."
You tried to stifle a laugh, but couldn't hold it in. Obi glanced down at you and smiled.
"If you say so, Master."
Zen sighed.
"Just get on a horse you two."
"Looks like you're riding with me," Obi grinned.
He pulled up the horse and climbed up first. He then reached out his hand for you to take. You gave him an unsure look then glanced at Mitsuhide who was riding alone. You were about to take a step towards the other man, but Obi grabbed your arm quickly.

"Ride with me, (Y/N)," he tells you with a sincere smile.
You blushed.
You grabbed Obi's hand and allowed him to pull you up behind him. You reluctantly wrapped your hands around his waist, but he suddenly grabbed your arms to wrap them tighter around him.
"Hold on tight," he tells you, still keeping one hand on yours. "We're ready, Master!"
"Great, let's go!"

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