Chapter 16

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As you rode quietly behind Mitsuhide, you stared off towards where Obi and Shirayuki were. The smile on his face looked so genuine while talking to the red-head. It was a smile you rarely saw for yourself, but only appears when she was around. You felt a pang in your heart as you felt the pain.

Obi was worried when you were kidnapped and went through tremendous lengths to find you. Thinking he had a change of heart, you felt hopeful, but once you had returned, it was as if nothing ever happened. Feeling your hand tighten around his waist, Mitsuhide glanced back towards you.

"(y/n), you okay?" He asked with concern.
Your head perked at the older man's words that brought you back to reality. Sighing, you laid your head against his back.
"Yes I'm alright," you replied, tightening your hold around Mitsuhide.
You suddenly feel his warm hand wrap around yours as the two of you continued riding after Zen. It was an act of reassurance, which made you smile.
"You know, I care about you, (y/n)," Mitsuhide tells you, causing you to blush. "I'll hold onto you tightly! I'll make sure you won't fall!"

You sweatdropped. The older man had always been so naive, but you couldn't keep yourself from laughing.
"Thanks a lot," you giggled.
Mitsuhide smiled as he squeezed your hand.

On the other side of the field, Obi watched as you lay comfortably against Mitsuhide's back, smiling and laughing as the older man tries to glance back at you once in awhile. The thought of feeling your arms wrap around him tightly and the warmth of your body against his, it was a feeling he never thought of until now...
"Obi...?" He heard Shirayuki call out. "Are you okay? We're swerving..."
"Gah! Sorry Mistress! I was lost in thought," Obi chuckled as he quickened his pace after Zen.

After a couple more hours, the group decided to halt as they found a meadow hidden among the trees. Mitsuhide helped you down from the horse and you scouted around the forest to ensure its safety. As you nearly circled around the entirety of the meadow, you felt yourself being followed and quickly whirled around to find Obi standing behind you. You raised an eyebrow at him.

But before he could say anything, you turned around and continued your scouting. Obi scratched the back of his head in frustration and left you alone. Once you were done with your lookout, you decided to join the others back at camp.
"That was fast," you pointed out as you noticed the fire in the middle of four logs meant for sitting. "Were these always here?"
"Obi brought them," Mitsuhide replied.

"Ah," you muttered, sitting on the last log unoccupied.
The day was dimming and you can hear the animals rustling about and making noises. You watched quietly as Mitsuhide and Kiki prepare some sort of dinner by the fire, Zen and Shirayuki conversing quietly with one another, and Obi sat across from you in silence.

"Is there a reason why those two are quiet...?" whispered Mitsuhide to Kiki.
"A lover's spat," she mumbled, poking the fire with a stick.

Obi, hearing their conversation, stretched out his feet and joined in.
"Say Miss Kiki, do you have a story to tell us?" He asked as cheerfully as possible.
"Eh? A story? That sounds fun!" smiled Shirayuki.
"A story huh.." Kiki thought carefully and then glanced at you.
You peered at her curiously as you took a sip of water from your cup.
"When (y/n) was little, she had a crush on Mitsuhide," Kiki began.
You spat outthe water you drank in front of you.

"Kiki!!" you shouted.
"Hey.." sweatdropped Mitsuhide.
"Oh I remember that," says Zen thoughtfully and then grinned at you. "Heh. That was a fun time to tease her."

"Why you-" you growled.
"She kept following him around, always wanting to hold his hand," Kiki continued.
"Kiki stop!" You cried in embarrassment.
"You guys..." Mitsuhide sighed.
"Why are you turning red?" Kiki questioned him.
The older man turned an even brighter red and looked at you. You covered your blushing face with your hands and didn't dare to look up.
"You must be important to (y/n), Mister," piped up Obi causing the group to stare at him.

Snow White with red hair - Guarded Love Obi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now