Chapter 6

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"Good job guys!" you called out.
You walked up and down the grass as you watched the amateur archers try to take aim of their targets.

"Elbows up, arms straight. Focus. Focus. Now release!"
Whirring sounds of arrows flying were heard and then the sound of a loud impact as the canvases were hit.
"Keep your elbow up Yuki," you say pushing the young man's elbow up.
"Yes Miss (Y/N)."
"Pull back straighter, Akio," you say, pulling the man's arm straighter.
"Yes Miss."

Obi sat at the edge of the castle wall as he watched you train the men. You looked quite professional, but there was something inside him that felt envious of all the men you were touching. Grinning to himself, he jumped off the wall and strode over to you.

"What is it, Obi?" You ask without turning around.
"You can tell it's me?" he chuckled.
"I know the sound of your footsteps."
Obi's eyes widened in surprise and then laughed to himself.
"You're good."
After a few minutes of helping a young man with his posture, you finally turned to Obi.
"What is it?" You ask.
"I want you to teach me how to shoot," he smirked.
"Don't you already know?" You wonder confused.
Obi is a skilled assassin. You would have thought that he excelled with many weapons. The dark haired man just smiled and waited for your reply. You sweatdropped.
"I don't know Obi. I'm kind of busy..."
You sighed in defeat after staring at his irresistible face.
"Oh alright. Grab my bow over there."
"You want me to use your bow?" Obi asked astounded.
You smiled at him.

"I trust you."
Obi grabbed your heavy-duty but durable wooden bow. He noticed the many marks on the wood, probably from all the training you did with it. He also noticed some knife marks, which made him think that you may have engaged in a fight at some point.
"Obi? Grab an arrow," you call out to him. "Then stand here."
"You got it!"

He ran to where you stood and gazed at you earnestly. You slightly blushed at his eagerness. He was too cute sometimes.
"Okay stand here and point the arrow towards the target."
Obi turned, stretched his left arm, and set the arrow on the bow string.
"Good," you smiled, checking his nice form. "Now pull it back, slowly."
Obi pulled back, but then purposely shifted his posture to see what you would do. He turned to you and quietly chuckled when he saw your furrowed eyebrows.
"Straighten up Obi!" You ordered.
"Like this?"

You sighed, exasperated. You grabbed his arm and his waist. You stretched his arm out and turned his hips so that his posture was straight. You postured his elbow a little higher and placed your hand on his that was holding the end of the arrow.
Obi felt his blood rush to his face. It was a good thing he wasn't facing you. The warmth of your body behind him felt so nice to him that he knew he would long for it the moment you moved away.

"Pull it back," you whispered in his ear as you helped pull back the arrow. "Now let go."
You heard Obi exhale as he watched the arrow pierce through the bullseye. He smirked at his accomplishment and turned towards you. You were smiling so brightly that he felt like kissing you, but he knew he couldn't. Especially in front of all the other soldiers.

"And you said you didn't know how," you mumbled, rolling your eyes as you placed your hands on your hips.
"I only hit it because of you," he grinned.

"Miss (Y/N)! Please help me," called out a soldier.
"Ah! Sorry! I'm coming!" You answered then gave Obi an apologetic look. "Sorry Obi. I have work to do-"
Obi grabbed your arm and pulled you close to him so that your ear was next to his lips.
"I-I don't like seeing you touch other men..."
You blinked at him.
Obi released you and shook his head. 

"It's nothing."
You gave him a confused look.
"Oh, by the way, Shirayuki was looking for you earlier."
Obi perked up at the sound of the red head's name.
"Really? Mistress called for me?"
"See you later, (Y/N)!"

You watched as his figure disappeared into the castle. You sighed. There's nothing you can do if his heart belongs to someone else.

Snow White with red hair - Guarded Love Obi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now