Chapter 17

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Three days have passed since the group's camping trip. Shirayuki was able to find nice herbs to make medicine and possibly new flowers and weeds for experimenting. After chatting with the red head and Ryuu for awhile, Obi began wandering around the castle grounds.
"Huh. Where did she go?" He mumbled to himself as he scanned the areas.
After the incident in the small pond, you grew quiet and distant around him.

You didn't utter a word when you woke up and found him lying right below you. You even rode back in silence with Mitsuhide, which the older man thought was strange. When you all arrived back, you had a quiet conversation with Zen and quickly disappeared without a word.

"Could it be... What she said, 'One last time...' What did that-"
Obi bit his lip and broke into a run as he hurried into Zen's office. He bursted through the doors causing Mitsuhide, Kiki, and Zen to look at him bewildered.
"Is Shirayuki okay??" Zen quickly questioned.
"Mistress is fine, Master," Obi panted as he closed the door.
"Jeez," Zen sighed as he sunk back into his chair in relief. "Don't barge in here in a panic, Obi!"

"Sorry Master.." Obi apologized as he glanced around the room and found you nowhere in sight.
Mitsuhide and Kiki glanced at one another and both looked at the dark-haired man with concerned eyes.

"Obi, are you perhaps looking for (Y/N)?" asked Mitsuhide.
"Uh, well no not particularly-"
"She's not here as you can see," says Kiki.
Obi slightly chuckled at the obvious. He then glanced at Zen who raised an eyebrow at his messenger.
"What? She didn't tell you?" the prince wondered. "Are you two fighting? You were awfully quiet around one another on our trip."
"No not fighting," Obi mumbled, glancing away.
"So she didn't tell you?" questioned Mitsuhide in surprise.
"Tell me what?"

Zen sighed and muttered something under his breath in irritation.
"This brother of mine wants her to be one of his aides. Izana took her. Said something about needing her for something."
"I see.." Obi mumbled quietly. "She didn't say anything."
"Meanwhile, while caring for his Majesty, her father is bringing in suitors into the castle to meet with her as marriage candidates," added Kiki nonchalantly.
"WHAT?!" Zen and Mitsuhide shouted simultaneously.

Obi glanced up at Kiki in astonishment. That he definitely didn't hear about.
"Why are you glaring at me, Obi?" Kiki questioned.
"Eh? Am I? I'm sorry, Miss. That wasn't intentional!"
"Excuse me," Obi pardoned as he began to walk out of the room. "I think I'll go bother the guards."
Zen sweatdropped.
"Bother the guards for what...?"

Obi exercised his hands, opening and closing his fists, as he began to walk down the hallway. Why didn't you mention anything to him? Then again, why does he care? If you were to get married, things might get easier for him and he won't have to feel this way. The feeling of pain stabbing through his heart.
"It's good-" trying to convince himself when in the corner of his eye, he noticed (H/C) hair flowing from the corner.

Obi felt his pace quicken as he neared the turn. To his delight, you stood there staring out into the garden wearing a beautiful noble red dress with your hair down and wavy. You had a smile on your face that seemed as if you were on the verge of laughing. Suddenly, you let out a small giggle and Obi couldn't help but feel a smile spread across his face. It's been a long time since he's heard you laugh.

"(Y/N)," Obi finally called out after watching for awhile.
You slowly turned to him in surprise.
"It's been awhile since I've heard you laugh. What's out there?" he wondered as he inched closer to you.

You blushed. How long had he been standing there?
"Oh, uh, Cocoa," you reply, avoiding Obi's gaze and glancing back at your dog. "He was trying to chase a butterfly and accidentally ran into a bush. He even knocked over one of the guards patrolling!"
"He's a good dog. He found you right away when you were kidnapped," Obi smiled, still staring at you.

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