Chapter 3

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A few months came and gone. You and Obi stealthily pretended to work together while going off alone to do individual tasks. It was okay at first, but for you, it started to feel a little lonely. You watch how Mitsuhide and Kiki are always together, having each others' backs.

It made you feel envious, wishing that you and Obi were like that as well.
One day, you followed him a bit. You were curious about what he does during the days when Zen didn't need him by his side. Obi would scout the forests for suspicious activities, take naps, eat, and most of the time, you noticed, he would hide around as he watched Shirayuki work.

"Shirayuki, huh?" You whispered, noticing the sweet smile that develops on his face whenever he sees the red head. "Lucky her."
You were surprised at your own words. "Lucky her"? Why would you say that? In fact, why are you even following Obi around all the time? Do you like- No, no way! You just met the guy!

"Gah!" You cried, stumbling off the branch you were standing on.
"Gotcha!" Obi grinned, grabbing your arm before you fell down ten feet.
He pulled you up and let you rest against the trunk of the tree as he balanced himself on other branches. You wouldn't dare meet his eyes. He's smart enough to figure out why you were there.

"Why are you following me?" He asked.
You figured he must be angry. He should be right? You slowly raised your eyes and to your surprise, Obi was just grinning.
"I-I was curious about what you do during these days when you don't have work," you tell him. "Just... Curious..."

Obi's smile disappeared and he sighed as he looked out towards the castle. You looked towards the direction he was staring at and found Shirayuki sweeping the floors in the pharmacy. You glanced back at the dark haired man and once again found him smiling widely.

"Shirayuki is pretty, don't you think?" You piped up.
"Mistress is beautiful," he replied.
"She's hard-working."
"Mistress does an outstanding job."
"You like her," you pointed out.
"I like-" Obi paused and turned towards you.
You gave him a melancholic smile and shook your head.
"I won't say anything. After following you around, I noticed you always go and see her as often as possible and when you do see her, you're always smiling happily."

"I-It's okay-"
Your eyes widened as you felt tears developing in your eyes. You swung your legs over so that your side was to Obi, hopefully hiding the tears developing in your eyes.
"Master loves Mistress," Obi tells you. "I won't get between them."
"It must be hard."
"Hnn. But you don't need to cry."

Obi leaned forward and wiped your tears away. You turned towards him in surprise, your face inches apart. He smiled weakly.
"I'm sorry..." He says quietly.
You knew why he was apologizing and it was because he couldn't return the feelings you were developing for him. You shrugged.
"It probably wasn't going to work anyways," you laugh slightly, wiping your cheeks. "I should go. I've got training to do."
You swung yourself off the branch and landed easily on the ground. You waved to Obi and ran towards the archery field. Obi watched as you raced away, leaning his head against the tree trunk.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered to himself as he watched you disappeared.

Several days later...

"Where is (Y/N)?" mumbled Zen as he and his aides waited around for you.
The branches and the leaves swayed and you jumped through the window and into the room. Mitsuhide chuckled and Zen sighed.
"Where have you been?"

You glanced at Obi who returned an expressionless stare.
"I-uh was just scouting around," you answer.
Zen stared at you and then at Obi. He raised an eyebrow as if he knew what was going on. You bit your lip in anticipation.

"Yes, Master?"
"Are you and (Y/N) working together?" Zen questioned.
Obi stared at him then slightly glanced at you in the corner of his eye.
"Of course we are!" You piped up. "Obi scouts inside the castle, while I look outside!"
Obi gave you a look as if calling you an idiot. You tilted your head in confusion. It was a good excuse right?

"Obi? Is that true?" demanded Zen, annoyed.
"No Master."
"Obi!" You whined.
"(Y/N), you made a stupid excuse. It's your fault. Obi likes to be outside," Zen explained, exasperated.

"Well I know that, but-"
"Master, it's not (Y/N)'s fault," says Obi. "I told her I didn't want a partner."
Zen looked at him in surprise, then looked at you and noticed your sad expression. He scratched the back of his head and sighed.

"Well, if that's how you guys like it. Let's go make our rounds."
The four of you followed him. You and Mitsuhide on Zen's left side and Kiki and Obi on the other. Obi watched as you and Mitsuhide conversed and laughed together. You were different with him. You seemed to be more shy and quiet. As if you're on your guard.
"Do you have something against (Y/N)?" Kiki suddenly asked him quietly.

"Huh? Of course not, Miss Kiki," Obi replied, crossing his arms behind his head. "(Y/N) is a very kind person."
"Not partner material?" Kiki questioned.
Obi looked at her astounded. Kiki never talked to him this much before.
"That's not it either..." he answered. "It's me, Miss Kiki. I don't work well with someone else-"

"You're already working with us as a group," she pointed out and then stopped talking.
She was right. He already had been working with them as a group so he has no problem working with others anymore. In fact, he already trusts all of you. Then why? Is it because of-

"Shirayuki!" Zen exclaimed happily as the red head approached.
"Zen! And everyone! Hello!"
You all greeted her and then dispersed so the two may talk together. You looked up at Mitsuhide.

"He's really fond of her huh?"
"Yeah. He's been very cheerful since he met Shirayuki," Mitsuhide grinned. "He's happy."

"That's good I suppose. Although, does she know? About me and Zen?"
"Eh?! Uh.. No I don't think so. But we shouldn't-"
Before you could speak, a hand covered your mouth. From the corner of your eye, you can see Kiki giving you a death glare.
"Now is not the time to bring it up, (Y/N)" she warned, letting you go.
"Y-Yes, Kiki..."

"Bring what up, Miss Kiki?" Obi wondered.
The three of you watched her walk to the other side of the hallway. That woman can be scary when she needs to be.

"See you later, Shirayuki!" Zen waved sadly.
"Bye Mistress!" Obi called out, smiling.
He met your eyes and you quickly turned away. You heard him let out a sigh as the group continued forward.
"Mitsuhide, isn't the ball coming up?" You asked the older man beside you.
"Hm? Oh yeah. That is coming up!"

"I thought so. I think father got an invitation from Prince Izana."
"Ah I suppose invites are being handed over. When is it again?"
"In a couple days," piped up Kiki.
Zen froze in his tracks.
"C-Couple days?"
"I-I can't bring out Shirayuki yet... What am I going to do? Should I just bring her out anyways?" Zen began to mumble to himself. "I want to take her..."
"Master? Are you okay?" Obi asked concerned.
Mitsuhide laughed.

"He's fine. He's just worried about the ball. He's supposed to escort a lady of nobility, but since Shirayuki isn't one-"
"But Master is the prince. He should be able to escort anyone right?" Obi asked.
"Not according to my brother," sighed Zen. "But I want Shirayuki to go. I have an idea!"

Snow White with red hair - Guarded Love Obi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now