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You were pulled towards the porch outside and the strange lady leaned against the wooden railings and stared up at the moon. You stared at her curiously. Who was this strange woman and what does she want with you?
"Um.." You began to speak and she spun around to face you with a grin.
"I'm Tooru. It's nice to meet you, (Y/N)"
"Er.. It's nice to meet you too...?" You hesitated, still slightly confused about the situation.

"I noticed your eyes wandering back there and I thought we could talk," she suggested.
You raised an eyebrow. What does she mean?
"That shady man sitting with a group of good-looking people, you know him?" Tooru asked.
"Obi? Y-Yes, I do."
Tooru smiled slightly but gave you pitiful looks.
"You're interested in him."

"N-No, I-"
"I'll warn you now, he's a pretty dangerous guy and getting caught up with him won't do you any good," Tooru warned you. "I would know, I've got good taste in men."
You sweatdropped.
"You know Obi?" You suddenly ask with realization that she seemed acquainted with him.
"Hmm? Yeah, I suppose so."
You stared at her in disbelief. Someone who knew Obi in the past? It's unbelievable! So many questions wandered in your mind ready to burst, but you held your tongue.
"How do you know him?" You ask curiously.

"We worked together a long time ago with a group of others. Then something happened to him and he suddenly disappeared," she explained, quite intrigued with your curiosity about Obi. "Honestly, I thought he died!"
You glared at her, feeling a slight pain at the thought of Obi being gone. Tooru let out a chuckle.

"That's quite a facial expression you got there! I would have never thought Obi would catch such a lady as yourself."
"You're dressed as a guard, but you're of noble blood aren't you?" she wondered. "A marksman I take it?"
You glanced back at your bow and then looked at her.
"Yes and yes.. You can tell I'm of noble blood?"
Tooru laughed.

"I've met a lot of them, sweetie. I can tell from afar."
You then remembered what she said awhile ago.
"Um, you said earlier that something happened to Obi. What was that?" You wondered, your eyes filled with anticipation.

Tooru gave you a contemplating look. She sat up on the railings and swung her legs.
"I'm not entirely sure. He was gone for awhile and when I finally found him, he was bleeding to death on the ground with a huge gash across his chest," she explained. "I offered him help, but he said he didn't need it and walked away. I never saw him again until now."

"A huge gash..." You whispered then perked up with realization. "That scar across his chest?!"
Tooru looked at you in surprise and then smirked.
"So you've seen it?" she teased. "You've seen his body?"
Your eyes opened widely and your face turned bright red.
"N-No! No, no! Not like that!"

The older woman laughed as she hopped off from her perch. She rustled your hair playfully.
"You sure are entertaining, (Y/N). You care a lot about Obi huh?"
You nodded your head. Tooru let out a sigh, but smiled.
"Well, I suppose it can't be helped. It would do him some good to have someone who loves him so much."
You gazed at her in awe.
"Y-You think so?"

"He used to be dangerous. But he seems to be more careful with his actions now that he's with you lot."
"I'm sure it's not me he worries about..." You mumbled quietly.
Tooru observed your sudden sadness. Your eyes were filled with pain.
"The red head...?" She suddenly piped up, causing you to bite your lip.
"I-I should go back inside," you tell her, avoiding the subject. "I'm still on duty. It was nice meeting you, Miss Tooru."

"The pleasure was mine," Tooru smiled as she waved to you.
Once you were gone, the older woman leaned back and glanced up at the sky.
"Obi, you idiot."

The dark-haired man glanced at the door constantly. You haven't returned yet and it's been almost an hour. Worried that Tooru was up to no good, Obi suddenly stood from his seat and headed out the door.
"Obi? Where are you going?" Zen called out to him.
"Just getting some fresh air, Master," Obi replied.

Snow White with red hair - Guarded Love Obi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now