Chapter 7

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The red head turned and smiled as she saw Obi run to her.
"Hi Obi!"
"(Y/N) told me you were looking for me?" he grinned happily.
"Hm? Oh yes. Zen was looking for you!"
"Eh? Master?"


Zen entered the pharmacy with Mitsuhide and Kiki. He lightly punched Obi on the arm the moment he got close to him.
"Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you! And here I thought you would be with Shirayuki like usual."

Obi chuckled at Zen's last sentence which he said in a harsh tone.
"Sorry to disappoint Master. I was with (Y/N) this morning," reported Obi.
"Ehhhh?" Zen smirked teasingly. "You were with (Y/N) huh?"
"She was teaching me how to shoot."
"You already know how to shoot," pointed out Kiki.
"(Y/N) didn't know that," grinned Obi.
"What a guy," chuckled Mitsuhide.

"You should learn from me, Mister!"
"What's that supposed to mean, Obi?" Mitsuhide muttered, a little annoyed now.
"Right Miss Kiki?" Obi asked, ignoring Mitsuhide.
"I wonder about that," replied Kiki.
"What are you guys talking about?!"

Zen, ignoring his aides, grabbed Shirayuki's hand and pulled her into his arms.
"I've missed you..."
"I've missed you too, Zen," Shirayuki whispered, hugging him tightly.
"We're going to scout the castle, want to come with?" asked Zen.
Shirayuki's eyes gleamed happily and nodded her head.
"I'd love to!"

The three aides smiled at the couple. Obi feeling a little less cheerful about it, but then he turned towards the window, wondering what you may be up to now.

Shirayuki and Zen were standing in the middle of the garden while Mitsuhide, Kiki, and Obi stood on guard at the side. You finally caught up to them mid-afternoon and decided to join their festivities.
"They're lovey dovey today," you piped up, causing Mitsuhide and Obi to jump.
You were crouching on the railings of the stone staircase behind Obi. He looked up at you in awe. No one has ever been able to sneak up on him like that. You met his gaze and gave him a questioning look, but he merely smiled.
"(Y/N), show up like a normal person," sighed Mitsuhide. "Where did you come from anyways?"

You pointed up and they all glanced towards the roof of the castle.
"You jumped?!"
"Yep! Shuuto wasn't very happy," you grinned.
"I think if I were in Shuuto's place, I would have a heart attack beacuse of your reckless behaviors..." Mitsuhide mumbled.
"But she's definitely got the skills of a hunter," complimented Obi.

Before you could say anything, you heard some rustling in the leaves. Not the usual sounds they make when the wind blows. There was someone hidden in those trees. Next thing anyone knew, an arrow had landed inches away from Shirayuki.
"Mistress!" Obi shouted, quickly running to her side.

Mitsuhide and Kiki followed, guarding both Shirayuki and Zen. You slowly walked towards them, trying to sense which direction the arrow came.
"Stay between me and Obi, Shirayuki," Zen ordered as he and Obi shielded her.
"What's going on...?" she wondered worriedly.

You pulled up the arrow next to her feet and smelled the tip. Poison. But again, before you could say anything, you heard rustling among the trees.
"I think you should head inside your highness," you warned Zen. "This arrow was dipped in poison."
"What?!" Zen hissed, pulling Shirayuki back into safety.
It was mere seconds when you heard it. The arrow flying from a tree several feet to your right. You saw the figure hidden amongst it, but soon after, you realized that the arrow was headed straight for Obi who was guarding Shirayuki from behind.
"OBI!!" You cried, running towards him.

You shot your arrow at the intruder, knowing he was hit. But, you weren't quick enough to save both yourself and Obi from the poison covered arrow.

"(Y/N)!!" Mitsuhide shouted as you collapsed onto the ground.
Kiki kneeled beside you and lifted your head gently onto her lap.
"I... Shot.. Him.." You gasped, pain from the poison beginning to spread through your body. "He was... Hit.."
Mitsuhide furrowed his eyebrows and then ran towards where you shot your arrow.
"(Y/N) stay still. We'll get you to the pharmacy," says Kiki.
You shook your head as you felt sweat run down the side of your face. A dark figure stood above you, gazing at you in remorse.
"Obi-" started Kiki.
"Ugh. Kiki.. Pull out the arrow.." You growled.

"Pull it out!!" You cried painfully. "But don't touch the tip or my wound. It's poisoned..."
"Miss Kiki!" Obi protested, trying to stop her, but she pushed his hand aside.
You bit your hand to stifle your painful scream as Kiki pulled out the arrow from your abdomen. Obi turned away, not wanting to see the pained expression on your face.
"Don't.. Touch it.." You whispered hoarsely.
"I didn't."

Mitsuhide soon appeared with the criminal next to him. He handed a rope to Obi to tie the man up.
"(Y/N) can you get up?" Mitsuhide asked.
You shook your head weakly.
"The poison is reaching her blood stream quickly," explained Kiki.
"(Y/N)-san!" Shirayuki cried as she and Zen ran towards all of you.
"(Y/N)!!" Zen exclaimed. "(Y/N)! Are you alright?"
"Master what should I do with this man?" Obi asked, staring at you worriedly.
"Bring him to the guards."

Obi disappeared hesitantly while Mitsuhide lifted you up into his arms, your body feeling limp.
"Let's take her to the pharmacy!" Shirayuki suggested.
Mitsuhide nodded and hurriedly carried you down the hall. Kiki threw open the door, making the pharmacists jump and Zen calls out for the Head Pharmacist. Garack rushed out of her office and beckoned Mitsuhide to place you on the bed.
"We'll have to examine her so please wait. Shirayuki, make sure Ryuu doesn't come in here," Garack ordered, closing the curtains behind her.

Shirayuki ran off to find Ryuu and Obi returned in a hurry with a frightened expression on his face. Was the arrow meant for him? Why did you throw yourself in front of it? Why were you so stupid if you knew the arrows were dipped in poison?!
"It's not your fault, Obi," Zen reassured him. "It's no one's fault."
"Except for the bastard who shot her," growled Obi.
A couple hours passed when Garack finally appeared before them. She looked grieve-stricken as she scanned the room.

"What is it?" Zen demanded.
"The poison she was hit with was the fastest reacting type of poison that has ever been discovered. In mere minutes, that poison could enter the bloodstream and into her heart," explained Garack.
"And?!" Obi demanded. "Is she okay or what?!"
"Calm down, Obi-dono. Mitsuhide-dono brought her in on time. It was close, but it didn't get near her heart," reassured Garack. "She's resting now. We've sucked the poison out, most of it at least. The rest her body needs to get rid of itself. But she's no longer in fatal danger."

"Onee-chan...?" little Ryuu's voice was heard as he entered he room.
"H-He heard it before I was able to get to him," Shirayuki says. "He wanted to see her right away."
The Head Pharmacist smiled at Ryuu.
"Your sister will be okay. She's sleeping now."
Ryuu nodded his head and then ran behind the curtains to see you. Obi followed behind him, ignoring Mitsuhide's cries.
"Let him be," Zen tells the older man. "Let's let her rest and we'll see her later. Thank you for your help, Head Pharmacist."
"It was my pleasure, your highness."

Obi grabbed a chair and set it beside your bed while Ryuu climbed onto it and sat next to you. Ryuu had grabbed a book about poisons and began reading it quietly. The dark haired man watched him for a bit and then slowly turned to your sleeping face. He stroked your hair and gently grabbed your hand.
"Idiot.." He whispered.

Ryuu looked up from his reading, watching Obi lay his chin on your pillow. He seemed to be whispering some things in your ear that Ryuu couldn't hear.
"Obi," Ryuu piped up.
"Do you like my sister?"
"I care about her," Obi replied.
Ryuu stared at him, wondering if there was a difference, but shrugged it off and continued to read his book. The two stayed beside you all night until they too drifted to sleep.

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