Chapter 23

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Several days passed until you finally awoke from your coma. Your body was sore and every muscle was aching. You glanced around the pharmacy building and noticed that no one was around besides a sleeping Shuuto in a bed next to you. You stared at the man melancholically.

The idiot just had to join you on your scouting trip. He knew full well that you wouldn't go into the battlefield. You were hidden so well in the trees and then he just had to go and get himself shot.

You sat up slowly, wincing at the pain from the places you were struck by rather sharp arrows. They had punctured all the way through your body and the pain was tremendous trying to pull them out yourself. Carefully, you swung your legs over and shuffled to Shuuto's side. You caressed his face and rubbed his hair. Tears began to develop in your eyes. You heaved out a sigh.
"Idiot.." You whispered. "Don't leave me too.."

After a few minutes of sitting by his side, you got up from your seat and slowly inched towards the mirror. You ghastly stared at yourself. You were only in your undergarments so you can see all the scars and the wounds on your body. Your recent wounds were all patched up by bandages. Others were just scars. You rubbed the scar from when you protected Obi from a poisonous arrow. Where was he now? You had a strange dream that he was here in Lyrias. Suddenly, a hand weaved its way around your waist and covered the scar you were staring at. You looked up in surprise to meet his hazel cat-like eyes.

"You shouldn't be walking around," Obi mumbled quietly.
"Obi.." You gasped. "What are you doing here...?"
"I was sent here by Master," he explained, his eyes scanning your body through the mirror as he observed the wounds. "I.. I confessed my feelings about Mistress and he sent me here to watch over her."

Your heart squeezed in pain at his words. You avoided his gaze as you pushed away his hand from your waist. You turned to walk back to your sick bed and Obi followed you quietly.
"What happened?" He asked as you sat on the bed staring at Shuuto.
You furrowed your eyebrows in thought.

"Well..." You hesitated. "Izana had asked me to go scout with some other soldiers in the northern borders. There was some suspicion about an attack. Shuuto heard about it and decided to tag along even though I begged him not to. I was hiding in the trees when I heard some rustling on the other side of the border and.. And..."

Obi watched as you hid your face in your hands. You shook your head, not wanting to remember what you had seen. The dark-haired man reached out to squeeze your hand, but at a moment's touch, you quickly pulled away.

"I watched him get shot by a number of arrows all over his body... Someone had appeared out of nowhere and punctured him with a sword and another.. Another slit him across the chest..."
You gripped tightly on your bed sheet, tears falling down your cheeks. You quickly wiped them away and stared angrily at Shuuto's sleeping body.

"He collapsed on the ground, unmoving. I quickly jumped from my hiding position and tried to carry him out. He was bleeding so much... I couldn't stop his bleeding.. As I carried him out of the area, I felt three sharp arrows puncture me.. But I had to get Shuu out of there. He needed medical attention or he'd... He would have died..."

"I was able to make it to the gates of Lyrias.. But I was losing consciousness after pulling out the arrows and there was a lot of blood... I came to here and there. Waking up in Haru's arms as he brought Shuu and I here and also when Shirayuki was making a fuss.."
You sighed and glanced up at Obi.
"Have you heard what has happened there?" You asked.
Obi hesitated.
"Soldiers fought and they were able to apprehend the culprits. They're trying to figure out what to do with those who have been captured. There were a lot of casualties."
You closed your eyes in pain. All those people who had gone with you, did they lose their lives..? You stared at Shuuto's sleeping face.

"(Y/N), get some rest," Obi suggested, inching towards you.
You winced from his touch and shook his head.
"I want to sit with Shuu a little longer," you say quietly.
"Do you want me to stay-"

"No. Haru should be here soon to see how I'm doing..."
Obi narrowed his eyes in anger.
"So you two have become buddies now?"
"He saved my life. And Shuuto's. I can no longer stay angry with him.."

Obi watched you for a few minutes as you stared at Shuuto's unmoving body. He wrapped his coat around you and then shuffled out of the building. Once he was gone, you gripped tightly onto his coat. His scent was comforting. As Obi opened the door, Haru stood on the other side with a surprised look on his face. Obi glanced away and began to walk out.

"I asked her father for her hand in marriage," Haru called out to him.
Obi stopped in his steps and clenched his fists.
"Is that so?"
"That's all you have to say?"
Slightly shaking with anger, Obi shoved his hands in his pockets and walked away.

Snow White with red hair - Guarded Love Obi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now