Water, Water

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The next day Blaine picked up Kurt and they both went to the lake near the farm. It was sunny and the water look peaceful

"Ok baby you have sunscreen?" He asked

"Yeah" he said handing him the tube of sunscreen that he got so he wouldn't burn

"Kurt do you want me to put you the sunscreen or you want to do it yourself?" He asked remembering that Kurt was still uncomfortable with the touching thing

"No, I want you to do it please" he smiled and turned around showing Blaine his back. Blaine stopped breathing, Kurt's skin was pale and soft. He was breathtaking actually. He began to put the sunscreen on Kurt. Kurt shivered at the touch but calmed down when he remembered it was Blaine. Just Blaine. After putting the product on his face he began putting some on his skin as well

"No stop, can I do it for you?" He asked shyly

"Are you sure?" Blaine asked

"100%" he said with the beautiful smile that Blaine loved

5 minutes later they were all ready to go to the water

"Ok I'm going to jump because I love it and then I'll guide you to me ok? He said and Kurt nodded

Blaine jumped in the water. It was cold as hell but that was something he loved

"Ok Kurt get in the water, go slowly to the part over there that's not deep" he said

"No" he said and Blaine looked confused "I want to do the same you did" he told his boyfriend

"Kurt you don't know how to swim, are you sure?"

"Yes but I won't jump I'll just do it but slow" he said and Blaine was in front of him with his hands open to grab his Kurt and then Kurt got in, just like Blaine but slower. The water was cold. Blaine had him grabbed by the waist holding him impossibly close to his chest and Kurt started laughing

"I did it Blaineee" he said excited

"You did it baby I'm proud of you" he said never letting Kurt go

"I don't want you to let me go though, I feel safe in your arms Blaine" he said placing his face in the crook of Blaine's neck while the other man placed his hand on Kurt's neck to bring him closer

"So is this proximity okay?" He asked

"Yes, totally" he smiled

They swam for one hour until Kurt got tired and asked blaine if they could leave

"Blaine can we go now? I'm cold and tired" he said shyly

"Sure thing babe" he said and picking up their towels. He dried himself and then did the same for Kurt

"Blaine I'm cold, will you hug me?"

"Of course" he said with a smile and placed the towel around Kurt's shoulders, then he hugged him rubbing his hands all over Kurt's back to give him heat

"Thanks for today Blaine, I had a lot of fun" he said smiling. His smile vanished when he heard something

"What was that?" He said scared

"You heard that too?" He said

"I'm scared Blaine" he said almost crying

"Shh shh don't cry Kurt, it's ok" he said holding him close

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