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Hi guys!! I'm back! I was on vacation with my dad so i couldn't write!! Here's the chapter!!


After getting engaged, Kurt and Blaine decided to have a long engagement because they wanted to focus on finishing college. Kurt graduated from Parsons earlier than he thought, the teacher thought that he was so brilliant in the fashion industry that he didn't need to spend money on something that he didn't need. He decided to focus on Vogue.

Blaine still had two years of college left because of his choice of arts. The music program lasted longer but Blaine also had a choice to make. Around six months after getting engaged, Blaine was performing a NYADA assignment when a good looking, well-dressed man asked to speak to him. The man turned out to be a Broadway director and he wanted to offer Blaine a job on Broadway. The play was "How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying" and he was offering the lead role. Blaine of course, had to leave NYADA so he was finding it really hard to come to terms with. Kurt supported him with everything. Blaine loved NYADA but also, Broadway was his dream. That same thing happened to Rachel, that's why she decided to leave NYADA and now she was the lead on "Funny Girl". Finn was doing well as the coach of the football team. That's what he wanted to do, he wanted to educate, he had his wife Rachel and his dreamed job. Finn was finally happy.

It was now March 2014. Kurt and Blaine had been together for three years and engaged for one. Their wedding was going to be August 5th, 2014 in New York. Lima still hadn't legalized same sex marriage, they wouldn't dream of getting married in that hell town anyway.

They had a few months until the wedding, they decided to get married during the summer because their honeymoon was in a sunny place. It was a surprise and Kurt didn't know anything about it. During that year Kurt had only three break downs but as usual, Blaine was always there.

"Hey love, happy third anniversary," he said kissing Kurt. "I love you."

"Happy anniversary, Blaine," he smiled at his fiancé. "I love you too."

"We've been engaged for one year, are you ready to be my husband?" he asked.

"Blaine, I've been ready since I met you, we are not teenagers anymore, we're in out twenties already, and I'm ready." He told him and Blaine smiled.

"I am too," he told Kurt. "Mr. Hummel-Anderson." He winked.


"What, love?"

"I kinda wanted to tell you something," he said nervously. "I've been thinking about something, I know you want to have sex, I know you're waiting for me and let me tell you, it hasn't been easy

for me to think of the idea of being intimate in that way with someone," he said. "I've been talking to Rachel, she told me to tell you when I'm ready and I know you would never pressure me with this but I've come to the idea of sex and it scares me, a lot, but I also know that you will never hurt me, I want to have sex with you Blaine, after the wedding if that's okay with you." He said not looking at Blaine.

"Love, I will wait forever, I don't care about those things, of course I find the idea of making love to you very appealing but I'm not desperate, I have everything I want in my life. I know you're scared, I am too Kurt, I've never done that but we will get through that together, I want to make it special for both of us, I don't want that to be rushed or anything, after the wedding sounds perfect to me, if you're sure of course." He said kissing Kurt's cheek.

"Thank you, you know opening myself like that hasn't been easy, the touch still scares me but not yours, I know you are the one who can help me with my condition, I know that. I just don't want you to get bored of me, Blaine." He said.

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