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A/N: At the last part of the chapter what happens with Kurt and his mom's star is something that happens with me and Cory so it's personal but I wanted to share it. There's a star outside my window every night and I know it's the same because it's always the same one on the same spot so I think it might be Cory. It's just something I love to do, I believe that he is listening to me and that makes me happy, it hurts a little less<3 I LOVE YOU CORY<3 

A few days later Finn and Blaine went to Kurt’s house after school. When they arrived Kurt was under their special tree playing with his hamster Mickey. He was super nervous because he didn’t know if Blaine and Finn’s friends would like him. He knew a girl named Mercedes wanted to meet him but he still wasn’t sure. The people he trusted the most were Blaine, his father and Finn, he also trusted Rachel a lot but other than that he never had a friend before and that freaked him out. He saw Blaine walking towards him and ran to hug him. Blaine smelled so good, like masculine cologne and the scent that was so Blaine. Blaine smiled and hugged him back happily.

“Hey love” he said caressing his neck and smiling

“Blaine I’m nervous” he said

“Don’t worry babe, they want to meet you” he said

“Which of them?” he asked

“Today we brought Mercedes, Santana and Tina because too much people would freak you out and I don’t want you to be uncomfortable” he said

“But what if they think that I’m a freak or something?” he asked scared and sad

“Baby they already love you, they know that you have a condition not a problem so I don’t want you to think that of yourself” he said

“Will you let me hold your hand?” he asked still scared

“All the time, I promise” he said grabbing Kurt’s hand and kissing it. They walked together to living room where Rachel, Finn, Mercedes, Tina and Santana were talking and laughing about something that happened at school

“Hey guys” Blaine said smiling and continued to talk “This is my boyfriend Kurt” he said proudly while the other boy just looked nervous

“Hey Kurt, I’m Mercedes” she said handing her hand out for him to shake. The first thing he noticed about Mercedes was her beautiful smile and with that Kurt smiled, she looked really friendly

“I’m Kurt” he said smiling, Blaine noticed that Kurt was calming down and smiled

“I’m Santana and I would love to be your friend” she said smiling “Can I hug you?” she asked, he looked at Blaine nervous but the other boy assured him that she was nice. He didn’t answer, instead he was the one that hugged her and smiled, she looked lovely too

“And my name is Tina Cohen-Chang, it’s really nice to meet you Kurt, Blaine never stops talking about his boyfriend and how awesome he is and of course how much he misses you during the day and bla bla bla!” she said smiling while everybody laughed, Kurt giggled and everyone smiled at him

“You all seem cute, will you be my friends?” he asked shyly

“We would love to, you’re really awesome Kurt” Santana said

“You don’t mind that I have Asperger or that I’m gay?” he asked uncertain

“We understand your condition, I don’t have a problem with that and with you being gay, well I’m a lesbian myself, my girlfriend Brittany couldn’t come because she had to visit her mom but she’s nice and I’ll introduce you two sometime” Santana told him and he just smiled, a lot

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