Brothers From Another Mother

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First of all I haven't updated because I have so much homework but I'm still writing a lot so I'll update more often!!


This chapter is for Finn and Cory. It took me so long to write because I didn't know how to make him proud but I'm sure I did or I think so;)

I have Finn and Finchel in this. I miss Finchel and I love writing about them but this fanfiction WON'T turn into a Finchel fic, it will have finchel things because of Finn but this story is KLAINE<3

I love you Cory<3 Forever in my heart<3

One month since Kurt and Finn became brothers. Kurt and Finn were inseparable. Kurt always wanted a brother and now he had one. In Finn's case he really liked Kurt, he felt protective of him. After his dad and Blaine, Finn was the person he trusted the most. Blaine really liked Finn a lot; he was really nice and incredibly tall.

Three months since Kurt and Blaine met and they were more in love than ever. Finn and Blaine went to McKinley High School while Kurt was home schooled like always, that's why Finn and Blaine became such good friends. In that month they also became close to Rachel Berry, Finn's girlfriend. She was a little selfish and ambitious but she was amazing. While Finn and Blaine watched football, Kurt and Rachel watched Funny Girl or Moulin Rouge! And of course they were always singing Broadway songs. They were really good friends.

"Hey Kurt" Finn said

"Hi Finn, how are you?" he said shyly but smiling

"I'm great, where's Blaine?" he asked

"He can't come today, he's doing something with his parents" he said sad, he really missed Blaine

"Well I'm sure he misses you too" Finn told him smiling

"Yeah" Kurt said

"So you wanna do something today? My mom and your dad are in town having a date or something for their anniversary and since Blaine is not here and Rachel is also away maybe we could have some brother bonding" he said

"Sounds nice" he said

That whole morning they had breakfast cooked by Kurt, they watched some movies and went biking around the house. Finn was the best brother, Kurt thought

"Hey Kurt, you wanna play some video games?" He asked not sure if Kurt liked video games

"I've never played any before" he said

"Well this is your lucky day bro, I have Mario Kart which is pretty awesome" he said not choosing his violent games because Kurt had mentioned before that he didn't like violence in any way

Finn taught Kurt how to control the game, Finn chose Luigi and Kurt chose Yoshi because he really liked dinosaurs and Yoshi was cute, besides he liked Yoshi's laughter

After one hour or two they stopped the game and went to make lunch, Finn won 4 races and Kurt won 2. It was a great start. He really liked that game.

"So what do you want to eat?" Kurt asked

"Well, whatever you want Kurt, after all you're the chef in here" he told him smiling and Kurt laughed

"Okay, I'll make French fries and hamburgers" he said. He was going to do his healthy French fries, not that McDonald crap that people were always so excited about. While Kurt cooked Finn set the table and grabbed something to drink. They just talked

"So I was wondering if you would like to go out with me and Rachel sometime" he said

"Can Blaine come too?" he asked. He didn't like going out without Blaine

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