Missing You

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It's been 2 weeks since all that terrible week in the hospital. Kurt was healing well and Blaine was back to normal. Lately Blaine noticed that Kurt was very sad. He knew that it was because today was Kurt's mom death anniversary. Kurt was 8 when his mom died. Now he was a beautiful grown 19 year old man.

Kurt asked Blaine something that made Blaine feel butterflies in his stomach. He asked Blaine if he could go with him to visit his mom's grave. He agreed. For Blaine was really an honor and of Kurt wanted that then he would do anything to make Kurt happy.

"Hey what's wrong, love?" Blaine asked cupping Kurt's face and kissing a tear that was making his way down Kurt's soft beautiful skin.

"I miss my mom" he said sobbing, clinging to Blaine. Blaine didn't know what to say so he just held Kurt closer to his chest and whispered many 'I love yous' trying to calm him down.

"You want me to leave you alone?" Blaine asked gently caressing Kurt's cheek

"No, the only person I need right now is you, if you go then I'll get so sad Blaine, will you stay with me?"

"Of course, anything for you, baby" he said smiling.

"Do you want to hear things about my mom?" He asked hopeful.

"Everything" Blaine said smiling at him. Blaine laid down on the grass and brought Kurt to his chest. The other boy curled into Blaine's chest calmly listening to Blaine's steady heartbeat.

"When I was like four my mom used to play with me all the the time, she once helped me walk down the aisle," he said giggling.

"Down the aisle?" Blaine asked confused.

"Well, since I was a little kid I always dreamed of marrying someone but I never wanted to marry a girl like in the movies, I wanted to marry a boy and my mom always practiced with me for my wedding, but after I found out about my condition I gave up on that dream" he told him.

"I don't know when Kurt, but I promise that I will make that dream come true" Blaine said grinning like an idiot at the thought of Kurt being his husband.

"Really? You think that by that time we will still be together?"

"I'll be with you until you get tired of me or don't love me anymore" he said teasing but Kurt took it very seriously.

"I will never stop loving you, you are mine forever" Kurt said smiling.

"You are mine forever too Kurt, don't ever leave me" Blaine said.

"Never, I'll always be here, okay?" He asked and Blaine nodded.

"Ok, so my mom also taught me everything about food and cooking that's why I'm so fabulous at it," he said " she used to wake me up at 12:00am with a little cupcake or muffin on my birthday and she slept with me after we ate it, I have so many good memories with her" he said.

"I'm sure she was awesome" Blaine said.

"She would've loved you Blaine, she told me that she wanted a handsome prince for me, that always made me smile" Kurt said.

"I'm your prince then" Blaine said laughing.

"She was very special to me, she still is and I love Carole, she's the best stepmother I could've asked for but there's a part of me that will always miss my mom, she was my best friend," Kurt said hiding his face in Blaine's neck. "But it's okay, I got you so that's the reward" he said kissing Blaine's cheek. That always made Blaine smile like an idiot. He was sure that we would have a heart attack because of Kurt.

"Can you come with me to visit my mom today?" Kurt asked looking at Blaine lovingly.

"Of course, I would love to" he said smiling at him.

The rest of the morning, Kurt and Blaine talked about memories of their childhood and Kurt talked about his mom. It was an emotional morning.

"Hi mom" Kurt said tracing with his finger the name of his mom on the grave. A few tears rolled down. Blaine was a few steps back so Kurt could have his space.

"I want you to meet someone who is very special to me" Kurt said holding Blaine's hand and bringing him closer.

"This is my boyfriend Blaine, he is very special and mom, he makes me laugh so much," he said and Blaine smiled. "Mom, he's the prince that we always talked about, well he is not a prince for real but you know what I mean" he said and Blaine laughed kissing his cheek gently.

"Hello Mrs. Hummel, I wanted to meet you and tell you that I know you're with Kurt always and that I will always be with him too for anything he wants or needs, he's my priority and I love him very much. I promise that I will always make him happy and take care of him" he said wiping Kurt's tears away. The other boy smiled.

"I love him so much mom, we met a year ago, he became my best friend and of course I never imagined he would love me as a man, I thought he just wanted my friendship but I was wrong, and he also taught me how to swim and we have fun in the lake," he said smiling while Blaine hugged him from behind protectively. "He is so patient and caring and he isn't tired it bored of me" he said with a huge smile that made Blaine's heart almost stop.

"Mrs. Hummel, thank you for giving me the love of my life" Blaine said caressing Kurt's hair.

"Blaine also wants to marry me mom, of course not now but I never thought I could get married, remember when we used to practice my wedding?" He said smiling. Suddenly he felt the wind touch his face and he knew that that was his mom.

"I love you mom, I miss you so much" he said crying softly. Blaine hugged him tightly.

"Kurt, your mom is here with us right now and she loved you, I believe that she's the angel that made me found you, she was watching over me before we met and she made sure that we fell in love" he said.

"Really, you believe that? I don't believe in God" he told him.

"Well, I do believe in God, and I believe that there's a heaven where people as awesome as your mom go after they die. It's a place where they don't have to suffer anymore, it's a beautiful place where they rest in peace" Blaine said, Kurt was confused but smiled anyway.

"She will always be with you Kurt and wherever she may be right now, she's smiling and telling you to be happy because that's what she wants, for you to be happy" he told his boyfriend.

"I can only be happy with you, Blaine, you are the only one in my life" he said.

They left the graveyard a few hours later. Kurt got to his room and said he wanted to be alone for a while. Blaine understood and kissed him.

"I love you, Kurt"

"I love you too, Blaine, thank you for being with me today and going with me to see my mom" he said and hugged Blaine. They said goodnight and Blaine left.

"Mommy, will I ever get married like in the movies?" Kurt asked.

"Aww baby, of course you will" a woman said.

"But what if I don't want to get married to a girl?" He asked.

"What are you saying honey?" The woman asked again.

"I want to get married to a prince, a boy like me," little Kurt said. "is that a bad thing?" He asked confused at his mom's big smile.

"No baby, there's nothing wrong with that, remember that you can love whoever you want to love, always remember that" she told him hugging him.

"Thanks mommy, do you think I will find a boy that wants to marry me someday?" He asked.

"You will, and that boy must love you very much, that boy will be sweet and will treat you well and above all, that boy will love you forever" his mom said.

"And if I don't find him?" He asked worried.

"You will"

Kurt smiled at that memory. He barely remembers it but he will never forget that his mom told him to love who he wanted to love.

He laughed when he remember asking his mom of he would find a boy to love him and he realized that they boy that his mom described was Blaine. He smiled also because Blaine was the boy his mom wanted him to find and he loved that.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday my dear Kurt
Happy birthday to you

"Yay, make a wish sweetie" his mom said.

I want to find my prince

"Happy birthday baby, blow the candles" Elizabeth said.

That was Kurt's seventh birthday. One year before her death. 

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