
597 20 31

Hey guys!! School is starting soon so that sucks!! This is chapter 20! There are 4 more chapters + the epilogue so this fic is 25 chapter long!! After this update i'm not updating anymore until i write at least 4 chapters!!

This is the week in Paris! This is actually the trip I did in 2011! Paris was amazing, I only added things like the romantic date in the Eiffel Tower but I actually went to the padlock bridge and there were couples dancing at night! it was amazing!!

 The thing of Disney is exactly what I did, Buzz Lightyear, Pirates, Peter Pan, Phantom Manor, The Small World and a few more! The only thing i didn't do was go to Space Mountain cuz rollercoasters sacre the shit out of me! I have rollercoasterphobia! I also hate the Thunder Mountain and that day you had to wait in line for 90 minutes under the sun HELL TO THE NO!!

I did buy the Peter Pan! Disney Stores are cool!

Sorry if there are any mistakes! I'll fix them later!!

Paris. The city that everyone dreams of when they’re little. The croissants, Eiffel Tower, the fashion, the Mona Lisa, the city of love… You can say Paris is magical. It’s very magical.

Kurt wanted to go to Paris since he was five years old. Of course, they couldn’t afford it but now his waiting was over. He knew more about Paris just by reading than most Parisians.

Kurt and Blaine got to their hotel on Monday. It was one week in Italy and one week in France. The airport had been amazing but it was a place that Kurt hated because of all the people. The taxi took them to their hotel and during the little taxi ride; they saw a lot of Paris. They got there at night. The city was full of lights, it looked like Christmas actually and it was perfect. Kurt was in awe of everything, the lights, the stores, the people… everything was amazing.

Already in their room, they took a shower because they wanted to get clean after that flight; they had dinner and fell asleep. It was 12pm and they had had an exhausting day at the airport so they passed out immediately.  

When they woke up the next day they were confused. They were in Paris. They were enjoying a flawless honeymoon and that was all that mattered. Kurt called his dad to let him know they were okay and Blaine did the same as well.

“Good morning love, will you have breakfast with me?” Blaine asked using his charming voice. Kurt laughed and nodded. The place for breakfast was really tiny, it had only four tables. Everything in the hotel was tiny but so elegant and cute. They had mini croissants with cheese and some orange juice. After finishing their breakfast Kurt notice a bowl full of mini Nutellas so he grabbed like ten and Blaine smiled. His husband was way too adorable.

“Can we go to Starbucks first? I’m dying for my coffee,” Kurt said.

“Of course, I want my coffee too.”

They went to Starbucks and ordered their coffees. They stayed there for a while just to use the wifi. After getting out of there laughing, they walked around Paris. First stop, of course, the Louvre. The walk was amazing, everything was so clean and the sun was shining. When they got there they took a lot of photos. They asked a person to take one for them and then they sat down by the part that had water.

“This is amazing, so so awesome,” Kurt told him. He was taking cute photos of Blaine and his husband just laughed.

“Where to? Now?” Blaine asked.

“We are not going to go inside?” Kurt asked confused.

“Yes, but another day, Eiffel Tower?” he asked.

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