Chapter 7: Stuck like glue

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It's been about 2 weeks since that crazy date with Patrick. He's texted me a few times but I've kind been putting him off. But today I might have to see him. My boss told me that I would have to come to the United Center today for a couple meetings. I was less than pleased to hear I had a meeting before hawks practice. I didn't want to see Patrick, mostly because I felt guilty about not texting him at all.

And as for David he was released out of the hospital a day after the car accident. He's doing fine, well that's what his sister told me. We haven't spoken since either. I really haven't spoken to anyone at all except for Gabby and Natalie.

I got ready and brushed my teeth than let down my long hair and did my makeup. Meetings called for dressy clothes, which isn't always my favortie. I grabbed my white button up blouse and undid a few tip buttons than paired it with my black skinny slacks and black heels. I threw on a cute black necklace and bangles and called it a day.

I didn't even have time for breakfast because I needed to make it on time for meeting.

I pulled up to the united center and waited in one of the back rooms. I actually bumped into coach Q while waiting for my boss to arrive.

"Oh hi, and you are?"

"I'm Alyssa" I said extending my hand, he took my hand and shook it

"You've been here with Patrick before correct?"


"He's not here right now but when he gets here I'll tell him your here"

"oh no I'm not here for him, my boss called me in for a meeting"

"You work here?"

"Uh yea business/advertisement end of the United Center, but today they called me to come in"

"Oh wow I didn't know you worked here, it's good to know" I shook his hand again and left to get ready for practice.

After another 5 minutes of waiting my boss Angela finally showed up.

"Hey Angela"

"Hi Alyssa, follow me" she said pulling her long black hair to the side. We walked to one of the meeting rooms and I took a seat. Angela opened up her briefcase and pulled out her laptop. She began typing than looked up at me

"I know I don't normally call you into the office but it's very serious and I wanna do this before your other meeting start. You've been doing great with advertisement and financial things for the United Center but I want a bit more"

"I don't understand"

"I'm going to be re assigning you to the Hawks as manager of community relations and fan development"

I froze a bit when she said she was assigning me to just the hawks. I've done a few things for them but nothing that required them to know anything about me. Now I would be forced to see Patrick, but I couldn't refuse this offer.

"Okay, is this why I meeting with all these people later?"

"Yea they'll be explaining a lot more things, but this is a huge step that will pay a lot more money"

"Thanks Angela for believing that I could take on such a huge task"

"I know you can handle it. I'm gonna dismiss you early so you can finish your meetings"

"Alright thank you so much" I said standing up and shaking her hand.

I picked up my purse and walked out into the hallway and bumped into Patrick. Just my luck I said in my head.

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