Chapter 28: Memories

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"Come on Lyss" chuckled Rebecca

"Buts it gonna be cold" I said as I looked at the water. The dock creaked beneath my feet as I peaked over.

"Are you gonna do it or not?" Asked Alex

"A bet's a bet okay! I'm gonna do it"

"Shirt off" smirked John, what a prev I swear, he's lucky he's a good liney.

I slipped of the grey tank I was wearing, leaving me in black shorts and a black bra.

"Let go" laughed Jess as she held up her phone, providing a little bit of light on the darkness of the night.

I stood there gazing at the water, I didn't want to do this. Suddenly I felt a push and I was plummeting to the water off the dock. I hit the cold water, it felt so icy cold.

Quickly I surfaced an looked up at Jon who was sitting there laughing uncontrollably. I than reached down in my shorts and felt my phone.

"Shit" I mumbled to myself, how do I explain this one to my parents?

I quickly climbed back up and Rebecca threw a small towel at me.

"Thanks dick face" I yelled at Jon

"What? You did your part of the bet, I just helped" he mocked

"I had my phone on me" I said as I threw it at him, hitting him in the knee

"You fucking explain that to my parents" I snapped

"Lyss calm down" said Alex as he took the towel from my hand and wiped my cheek. I knew there was a reason I had such a crush on him.

"Anyone know what time it is?" I mumbled as I slipped my tank top back on.

"No clue, no one has a phone on them" I was the only one who had to be home at a certain time, I hated it. My friends did as they pleased, they had no concept of time.

"Hey do you wanna come with me for icecream?" asked Alex, I knew he wanted to get us alone

"I'm suppose to be going home but another hour wouldn't hurt" I laughed

"Cool, lets get going"

His green eyes were still piercing in the dark of the night. The ice cream went well and lead to our first kiss, just as friends tho.

"Tonight was fun" I said as our entangled hands swayed back and forth as we walked.

"It was" he chuckled "thanks for staying a bit longer"

"I've got to get going, my parents are probably looking for me" He than kissed my cheek and I was on my way.

I walked up my block, red, white and blue lights flashed in the distance.

"What happened?" I mumbled to myself

"Is that my house?"i screamed as I got closer. It was my house, suddenly panic and fear set in as I ran closer.

"What happened?" I screamed

"Lyss!" I herd a voice scream out, Gab. She tackled me into her arms, and kissed my head.

"Oh Lyss your okay, your okay" she weeped

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Mom and dad tried calling you but your phone was dead, there out looking for you"

"I'm here, I broke my phone" I said

A police man slowly made his way toward us.

"Are you the Johnson kids?"

"Yea we are, this alyssa. The search is over" Gab smiled

"I'm afraid we're not here for her, but the both of you"

"The both of us? She was only missing"

"Your parents left to find her and ended up in a bad accident"

"Are they okay?" I jumped

"Im, I'm afraid not" his icy cold eyes told me he knew something, something he wouldn't tell me.

"H-how are they doing? Are they okay?" I asked

"They were just pronounced dead on the way to the hospital" his words rang in my ears.

I collapsed to the floor screeching as I clutched my knees and cried.

"No! NO! NO!" I screamed


I snapped right out of sleep, my heart was pounding and I was crying terribly hard.

"Why that dream again?"i said to myself as I struggled to get out of bed. I made my way to the kitchen where I poured a cold glass of water.

I made my way back to bed, I didn't want to go back to sleep tho. I laid down and stared at the ceiling above me.


"Jesus Alyssa you look like a zombie" said Patrick as he walked into the workout room after first period.

"Tell me about it" I rolled my eyes

"Is your insomnia that bad?"

"Just last night, I couldn't sleep at all... Oh uh what did you want"

"My ususal" by that he meant the exercises we do after each period that help shake out the lactic acid that builds up in Patrick's legs.

"So tomorrow" Patrick rambled

"What about it?"

"You free? I wanna take you up on that dinner" he laughed

"Fine, 7 o'clock"

"I'll be there, make something yummy"


Okay so go read my message board to find out about updates because I'm going to be going back on track! Until Tuesday, enjoy this tiny update.

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