Chapter 42: This Is Love

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Alyssa's POV

I finally make it to the hospital after running three red lights. I don't even park the car and I barley pull out the car keys before I run into the hospital building.

"Patrick! Patrick Kane" I say frantically to the lady behind the desk.

"He was just taken in for X-rays, you'll need to wait out here"

"No I need to be with him right now" I say as I break down crying. I must've looked like the only mess.

"Ma'am it'll only be a few more minutes" she says

I sat there in the waiting room chair and all I could think about is how lonely Pat probably feels right now. I'd give anything to be in his place right now. I'd take all the pain from him, I just want him to be okay. I slumped over in the chair, my hand supported my head as black tears streamed down my face. Flashbacks of the first night I met Patrick. The time at thanksgiving, or when we were at my sisters with the baby. I remember him smiling as he showed me around buffalo and I remember how he cried on my shoulder at his grandfather's burial. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and all I could see was Pat's innocent blue eyes. The blue eyes that made me weak in the knees and his smile the brightened in his eyes. And that moment I could feel his hug and I could taste him on my lips. Patrick was my savior, a god sent. I was so deeply in love with Pat that I didn't even realize it.

"Ma'am?" the nurse says shaking me out of my daze

"Mr.Kane has been moved to under go emergency surgery to fix a shattered knee cap" I began crying even harder than I had ever before. I wanted to hold him right now and tell him how he would win another championship and eventually a gold medal. I wanted to tell him, him and Jonathan's numbers will one day be retired and hanging in the rafters of the UC, next to the cup banners. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him and to stare into his blue eyes and kiss his lips that were my drug.

The nurse leaves me and I'm not alone for long before another nurse hands me the remote for the tv. I turn it on and it's the hawks game. They're now leading 3-1 on a Tazer goal late in the 3rd. I look into the crowd and millions of kane jersey's are shattered amongst the crowd. Pat will never truly realize how appreciated he is in Chicago. My phone begins raining and Pat's dad's face pops up on my phone.



"Yea, Mr.Kane"

"Is he okay" he says shaky, I can hear Donna crying in the background

"They just took him in for emergency surgery, he shattered his knee cap. I don't know how severe yet or anything"

"Please keep us updated, I'll be taking a flight out to Chicago tomorrow"

About 2 hours later the door swings open and in comes the whole hawks team. The nurse begins to freak about the massive amount of people but quickly recognizes the hawks and lets them be. Jon takes a seat next to me.

"What's going on?"

"He's undergoing surgery, shattered knee cap"

"Do they know how bad?"

"They haven't told me, it was emergency surgery"

"What was going on during the game? why was he so off"

"At the beginning of the season the doctor said he had a small fracture, the pain just kept growing but pat kept putting off having the doctor examine it"

"He's so stubborn I swear" Jon retorts

"You're telling me"

About an hour after the hawks had gotten done the doctor comes back out and Coach Q begins talking to him. The doctor gives me the okay to see Pat. I leave alone, leaving the hawks in the waiting room. I reach Pat's room and stand in the doorway for a few seconds before entering. He was still out cold. He had a million wires hooked up to him, his curls where all out of place and he had dark bags under his eyes. I sat on the side of his bed and took his hand in mind, it was cold to the touch.

"Oh Pat" I cried as I caress his cheek.

"Pat I love you so so so so much" I whisper "Patrick Timothy Kane I love you with all my heart, you are my everything" I lay my head under his and weep softly.

"I-I love you so much" he whispers so weakly before falling back asleep.

"oh my Patrick, you'll never know how much you mean to me, I love you. I know what love feels like, this is love" I than gently kiss his pale lips softly before leaving the room.

I walk back to the waiting room where everyone is slumped over in their chair depressed.

"Alyssa, can we talk?" asks coach Q asks. We stand out in the corridor and I lean on the cold brick wall.

"They removed a few pieces of his knee cap and the rest was put together with wires and screws. They didn't want to remove the whole thing being that he plays hockey and is expected to take blows to the knee. He strained a ligament in his knee to. They're expecting 6-12 weeks of him wearing a brace than a month or two of rehabilitation. He won't be able to play to at least February..." I stay quiet, trying to process what he just told me. This was going to crush Pat.

"So your only working home games, we need to make sure Pat is okay and ready to go for playoffs"


Woah early update! Only because I'll be busy tomorrow;) I don't know, I really like writing this chapter and I can not wait to develop the relationship between Pat and Alyssa! Let me know what you think, I'm always open to suggestions. Until the next update, thanks loves.

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