Chapter 13: Stressed

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It was an early morning for me because I would be helping out with the hawks morning skate. I walked to the bathroom where I quickly changed into my uniform of pants and a hawks hoodie. I tied my hair back into a ponytail and quickly washed up my face. once I was all done I headed out to the Prudential Center to meet the hawks.

"Morning Q" I said as I strolled into the rink with a cup of coffee in my hand.

"Right on time" he smiled

"So what will I be doing today?"

"Just want you helping the guys out, the head equipment manager will show you what to do"

I walked back into the visitors locker room where all the guys were finishing lacing on there skates and heading down the runway.

"Morning Alyssa" said Jonny as he walked passed me

"Morning jon" I smiled back.

After being shown what to do I was out sitting in the bench watching the guys doing some drills. I helped them change there jerseys when we had different parts of practice happening and replaced a few broken sticks.

"Can you get me a Gatorade?" ask Patrick as he skated over to me

I turned around and bent down to grab a waterbottle.

"Here you go" I said snapping Patrick out of a daze

"Oh uh thanks"

"What were you staring at?" I smirked

"Uh nothing" his cheeks turned bright red and than he skated away.

Practice went easy and was over quickly. I helped clean up the locker room and help set it up for the game.

"Hey Lyss wanna grab lunch with me?" Asked Johnny as he fixed his shirt

"Um yea let me just finish putting away these sticks"

I placed the sticks in there rightful place and than headed out with Jon.

"Where do you wanna go?" I asked pulling the seatbelt across my body.

"I don't know, I want something healthy"

"How about we go get sandwiches?"

"That sounds good"

We found a small little deli, ordered our sandwiches and than found a place to sit.

"Your gonna eat all of that?" I said looking at his footlong sandwich with ham, turkey, lettace, cheese, mortadella and mozzarell.

"Yea, I'm starving"

"I'm surprised you asked me to come" I said taking a bight of my sandwich

"What does that mean?"

"It's just I thought you would take Patrick"

"He isn't to happy with me"

"Why not? what happened?"

"He was mad because I was hanging out with you, he really likes you"

"He has a funny way of showing it"

"Peaks is an emotional guy,you saw it in Buffalo but sometimes he can't express his emotions well..." there was a short silence that was broken by Jonny's sigh

"That's why he has a drinking problem"

"He has to learn to cope with his problems, I learned to do it"

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing, I've been through some stuff but I worked it out. I never relied on something such as alcohol deal with it for me"

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