Chapter 11: Maybe its not ment to be

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The sun pierced my eyes as I opened them, looking around at my surroundings I saw my sisters familiar living room. I stretched and yawned but than my eyes stared at the box top that read 8:51. Fuck I mumbled to myself, I was gonna be late for work, I was gonna get killed. I threw the blanket off me and quickly ran up the stairs and quietly opened the door to my room, Corey was sound asleep in his crib. I opened the closet door and began rummaging through clothes. I was able to pull out a black high waisted pencil skirt and a white blouse I hadn't worn in months. With all the ruckus I made, Gabby came into the room to find out what I was up to.

Scratching her head and squinting at me
"What are you doing?" She yawned
"Getting ready for work, I'm so late"
"No,no you have the day off"
"How do you know?"
"Patrick told us to tell you"
"Patrick?" I questioned, it was than I remember what happened last night. I was babysitting Corey with Patrick and I had fallen asleep on the sofa
"Yes, you know your friend Patrick Kane? He said you could use the sleep so you had the day off" she said snapping me out of my daze
"Oh, well than I'm going to bed" I laughed. Gabby went back to her room and I lied down in bed, pulling the sheets over me I fell asleep.

"Finally a girls night out!" Shouted Natalie from the living room
"God I can't believe were doing this!" I shouted back. She walked into my room and began taking makeup from my dresser.
"Oh shut up! We haven't done this in so long, I just want to have a fun time"
"Ugh I mean your right, this might actually be fun" I said pulling a black dress from my closet, but not just any black dress. It was a tight black dress with sweet heart neckline, I had some cleavage action going on. I had my black bumps, hair curled and swept to the side. Natalie and I use to do this when were like 22, wear something a little revealing and just have fun at the club once and a while. We've never brought home any men or anything like that it was just fun to to do, but since we've gotten older we've stopped doing it.

"Are you done?" I asked slipping on my heals
"Yea just check my eyeliner"
"It's even" I laughed
"Than lets get going!" We headed out to the car and drove off to one of the local clubs. I had to be careful with Natalie tho because she's gotten a little to drunk before and I'm the designated driver for tonight so that meant no drinks for me. We walked into the club and they had some really good mixes going on. I followed Natalie over to the bar where she ordered a shot, quickly downed it and headed to the dance floor. I followed and we began dancing to a remix to Snoop Dog's " Smoke weed everyday", it wasn't long until some guy began grinding on Natalie. I could tell she very much enjoyed it as she back up on him, as for me I was long over the grinding days and headed back to the bar. As I was sitting there the bartender slid me over a drink.
"I didn't order this" I told him
"The guy at the end of the bar told me to give this to you" I looked down to see a familiar face, Tyler Seguin. I began to think and remembered that the hawks played Dallas yesterday and must have still been here. I looked over again this time seeing Tyler and Brad Marchand. I rolled my eyes as they stared back at me, sliding the drink back I turned my attention to Natalie on the dance floor who now had 2 guys grinding on her. I couldn't watch any longer, not because I was disgusted but because Tyler had made his way next to me.
"Hey there hot thing" he said smirking while taking a seat next to me
"Tyler... Tyler Seguin?"
"The one and only" He began running his hand up and down my thigh
"What do you want ?" I rolled my eyes at him
"I needed to get out and meet some new people, you seem perfect" he began coming closer and sniffed my neck
"Damn baby girl you smell good" he slurred his words. I could tell he was drunk and I was beginning to get uncomfortable, luckily his phone began ringing and he diverted his attention to it.
"Wanna come meet my friend?" He asked licking his lips
"I'd rather not"
"Fine than he'll come here" He looked over to the crowd and I couldn't help but look to. It was than I saw there familiar blue eyed, blonde curly haired Patrick making his way threw the crowd. His eyes grew big as they set on me, he walked up and greeted Tyler. Tyler turned and put his arm around me, Patricks eyes had a furious look in his eyes.
"Patrick this is"
"Alyssa, I know" he cut off Tyler, than looking at me he mouthed for me to follow him. I did as he said and he lead us to outside of the club.
"Didn't expect to see you here, at least not with Tyler"
"I didn't expect to see either of you here, I'm here with my best friend"
"What you thought I was gonna hook up with Tyler?" I laughed but his face expression stayed serious
"wait... You actually thought that didn't you? For your information Patrick I'm no puckslut" I turned on my heel and went back into the club and franticly searched for Natalie.

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