Chapter 48: Buffalo

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"Buffalo, oh buffalo!" I say as I push my suit case out of the apartment door.

"It is 2 in the morning, be quiet!" hushes Patrick as he followed behind with suitcases.

"Oh lighten up!" I giggle.

"You two are incredible" jokes Jonathan, our ride to the airport.

"So what are you doing for Christmas?" I ask as I lock the apartment door.

"Um family is flying down, that's about it"

We loaded the 4 luggages into the elevator than lugged them out to Jon'a car. I could not wait to get to buffalo already. The ride was quiet for Patrick was trying to sleep. I was really proud with his progress. After New Years day we where going to the doctor to see if Pat could start on ice training.

Once we arrive at the airport I get to luggages plus my purse and Pat gets two too.

"Thank you Jon, I'll see you on New Years Eve"

"Ah I'm looking forward to that party at Hjalmarsson's!" he chuckles.

We go through check in, security, all the wonderful things the airport brings before we got to sit down at our terminal with hot chocolates. I snuggled my head into Pat's shoulder.

"Excited?" I question

"A vacation with you? Of course" he smiles


"Patrick, wake up" I mumble to him

"Hmf?" he mumbles back

"We're landing, get your butt up"

We met Pat's dad outside where he helped Pat and I load our luggages into the car.

"I love Buffalo!" i squeal as we pull up to the house. Little snow flakes had already made a light dusting. As I took a step with my uggs the soft blanket of snow had made a crunching noise. The front door to Patrick's family's small house flings open and there stood a smiling Jess.

"You're here!" She squeals as she runs towards me, in just sweatpants and a tank top. She tackles me into a hug.

"Where's your sisters?" I ask curiously

"Erika is out with her boyfriend" she roles her eyes "And mom and Jackie are out getting mani pedis"

"I can't wait to see them all"

"Now get inside!" Yells Patrick "Your gonna catch a cold!" He says to Jess. She rolls her eyes at her big brother.

"Thanks Dad" she mocks

"Lovely to see you to" Patrick says back as Jess makes her way back inside the house.

I help Patrick Sr and Pat bring the luggage's inside and up to Patrick's room.

"You're gonna love my bed! It's so comfortable"

"To bad I already set up a blow up mattress in Erika's room" assays Donna as she leans on the doorframe. Pat and I jump at her answer, not expecting her to be there.

"Really mom?"

"My house, my rules" she smiled widely "It's so nice to see you Alyssa" she smiles than comes over to hug me. "Dinner will be ready in an hour and a half, we're making ribs"

"Put your jacket on" says patrick as he pulls a black hawks beanie over his head.

"I don't feel like opening the luggage" I say as plop down on the bed, Patrick comes over and climbs ontop of me. He trails kisses up my neck before planting one on my lips.

"Than borrow mine" he than gets up and opens his closet door where most of his jerseys hung. He moves a few over before puling out a black varsity jacket with hockey sticks in the back.

"Here" he than hands it to me and its a perfect fit.

"It's perfect" I smile as I admire it in the mirror.

"You can't have it" he chuckles "Ive had it since i was 14"

"Well come on, why did you make me put on a jacket"

With silence I followed him outside, stopping in the garage to grab skates. We trudged in the one inch snow blanket in silence. I had a scarf that my face hid in while we walked, Eventually I caught on, we wear going to the pond Pat had showed me last time we where in Buffalo.

We came to the familiar bench that was now covered in a dusting of snow and the pond was frozen over.

"Skates on" he smiles as he changed over to his skates. His nose and cheeks were now a pink color, soon to be bright red with this cold wind. I followed his lead, thankful that i had worn fuzzy socks that where keeping my feet warm.

Once our skates where on he took to the ice.

"Patrick I'm scared" I say as I stare at the pond. Was it frozen over? Would the ice crack beneath my feet sending me down to freezing water.

"Babe it's safe, I do this all the time" he than takes my hand and spins with me onto the ice. I giggle uncontrollably as we stumble to the ice. Patrick broke my fall, I landed right ontop of him. He moans a bit in pain for half my body weight was on his kneecap. I readadjust myself than pull at his hair. His cheeks where now bright red and it was like his eyes where a vibrant shade of icy blue, The pink in his lips was disappearing but they looked as kissable as ever.

He kissed me hard before we got back up. We stood their in the ever so perfect moment as the snow began to fall a little less and the wind had calmed down. In that moment I knew I was happy, I was genuinely happy. Later that night the whole family was around the fire place, home alone on the tv and Patricks arms wrapped around me as we laid on the couch.

"You two are so cute!" Squeals Jackie as she snaps a picture of us.

"Your such a corn ball" says Patrick as he takes the pillow behind him and throws it at his sister, knocking her phone ontop the carpet floor. She shrieks in fear that her phone was broken. She quickly bends over and is released, it wast broken.

Christmas Day

"Wake up wake up!" Yells Patrick as he swings the door open

"Why" I mumble, it was to early

"Presents that's why!" He yells. Erika and I slowly wake up and I go rush to brush my teeth and pull my hair into a messy bun. I make my way downstairs where Donna and Patrick sr are snuggled up on the couch, Jess and Jackie where in their pjs on the floor next to the beautifully decorated Christmas tree. Presents scattered all around. Erika makes her way over to her parents and Patrick and I take a seat on the floor.

"Alyssa first!" Says Jess as she hands me a perfectly wrapped box. "It's from all three of us" She smiles. Inside was a beautiful Michael Kors purse.

"I love it!" I squeal as I hug the both of the, Donna and Patrick Sr. bought me a white gold necklace with my name on it.

I gave Patrick a gift basket with candy, pain killers for his knee, an Xbox 1 with the new NHL, and a new watch.

"I'm excited to give you this" Smiles patrick as he hand me a small box. I pull the ribbon off and slowly open it. Inside was a beautiful white gold necklace the read Kane.

"Pat I love it" I smile

"That's not all" he than hands me these beautiful blackhawks studded earrings.

The last thing he gives me is a promise ring. I hadn't expected it at all.It was a small little ring with an almost tied knot.

"Alyssa I love you so much" he says as he slips the ring into my finger. Tears streamed down my face as I kissed Patrick, a smile forming inbetween.

The whole day was great, cousins of Patrick's came over for a nice dinner. There was lots of laughs and giggles around the table that night along with a Christmas movie marathon.

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